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New Flash now in the targets

According to reports, Microsoft is developing a new graphics and animation toolset for its next operating system. The tool is already being referred to internally as a Flash-killer - but such claims should be taken with a pinch of salt, as much could change in the next three years.

If you can't buy them, beat them seems to be the message coming out of Microsoft. Microsoft is working on a graphics and animation toolset codenamed Sparkle, for its next operating system that integrates with the .NET runtime environment, according to reports.


-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New tsk... tsk... tsk...
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry|REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwethey
New Didn't they have something like this before?
I can't remember the name exactly but I seem to recall that they announced a product that would do all this wizzy multimedia stuff, including replacing HTML for Web content.

Then again, I may be hallucinating in my old age....
Tom Sinclair

I'm so sorry you're having difficulty! Would you like me to boot in Low-I.Q. accessible mode?
- [link|http://www.ok-cancel.com/|OK/Cancel], 11-07-2003
New Liquid Motion
You might be thinking of Liquid Motion. Some say they bought it to kill it (it was Java based). MS wouldn't do that would they?



This XAML thing looks to be an all in one XML+XUL+HTML+CSS+PDF+SWF thing that compiles to .NET binary. They plan on getting everyone to use it for UIs (Longhorn's UI will probably use it), "portable" documents and the like. This "Sparkle" is likely a Flash Studio like authoring tool. Some future Visual Studio will probably have a more programmer oriented UI design tool as well.
Chris Altmann
New *That's* the fella

Speaking of "Flash killers":

Wasn't NT 3 supposed to be a UNIX killer? Anyone remember that? Bueller?
Tom Sinclair

The question seldom addressed is *where* Medusa had snakes. Underarm hair
is an even more embarassing problem when it keeps biting the top of the
deodorant bottle.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Soul Music)
     Flash now in the targets - (admin) - (4)
         tsk... tsk... tsk... -NT - (folkert)
         Didn't they have something like this before? - (tjsinclair) - (2)
             Liquid Motion - (altmann) - (1)
                 *That's* the fella - (tjsinclair)

The revolution will not be televised. You can apt-get it from the usual mirrors, however.
95 ms