Even direct connect 100 mbit. It also has a horrible method for scanning for changes on the screen. I really don't like it.
And yes, the lights NEVER go on. The Linux monitors are 21in flat screen Sun branded Sonys. Meant for their high end graphics workstations, when they had them. The Win monitor is a 19in Hitachi.
I've added lamp positions. They are all directed toward the wall or ceiling with the exception of my desk lamp, and they are variable so I keep them very low unless I have a visitor and we need to draw on the while boards which surround the room.
About 20 years ago I visited a print / layout shop. In the graphics room the only light was pinpoint spots and the light table. I always wanted that environment. I have had it for the past 7 years.
You can send a resume but we don't have any openings for your skills at this point. We current are looking for a VB person and a project manager.