It is a different type of game, very athletic. It involves kicking the ball down the oval shaped field & trying to make the final kick between two uprights at the end of the field. Outsde the two goal posts as two smaller posts & if the ball goes thru them it is a lesser score. (I think it is called a 'side' & is worth 1 point vs 6 for a 'goal'.

You can run with the ball but have to bounce it every 15 paces. If you are tackled (grabbed) you must let the ball go.

Players pass the ball by hand, by punching the ball, by kicking the ball. If a player catches the ball on the full, it is a 'Mark' and they get a free kick. Aussie rulles is a very fast game & has a fanatical following in Victoria & Western Australia & somewhat in Sth Australia. It has marginal following elsewhere but growing support in Queensland who have now won the premiership 3 years in a row.

Re NFL - have a young relative who is a quaterback somewhere on the East Coast (scholarship). I enjoy watching the game as it has lots of tactical action.

If anything, in time, Rugby will become more like NFL than the other way round.

Cheers Doug