Easy peasy.
The XBox is a not-very-fast P3 700 on a not-very-fast NVidia graphics card; the PPC/ATI combo (which is not a million miles away in spirit from what's in the GameCube, btw) of a couple of years hence will easily be able to handle that via emulation. With a nice fixed platform like that, you can optimise the living behoobers out of the emulator.
While XBox (and PS2, and GameCube) games look impressive when they're displayed on a domestic telly, I'm willing to bet that they'd look decidedly shonky on my 1280x1024 flat panel. The comparision is even more marked when you consider that my current rig can handle UT2K3 with everything maxed out in 32 bit colour at 1280x1024 and 4x antialiasing, without missing a beat. (Yes, it looks wonderful).
To answer Tom's question, yes, XBox 2 games will be PPC-native. Norm, please read the thread before posting. Alex, fat binaries are a possibility but I'd say not.
In short, I think you'll be able to play your old XBox games on XBox 2.
Here's hoping they hire someone other than a 14-year-old boy to do the case design this time :)
[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
Edited by
Nov. 5, 2003, 10:54:44 AM EST
Easy peasy.
The XBox is a not-very-fast P3 700 on a not-very-fast NVidia graphics card; the PPC/ATI combo (which is not a million miles away in spirit from what's in the GameCube, btw) of a couple of years hence will easily be able to handle that.
While XBox (and PS2, and GameCube) games look impressive when they're displayed on a domestic telly, I'm willing to bet that they'd look decidedly shonky on my 1280x1024 flat panel. The comparision is even more marked when you consider that my current rig can handle UT2K3 with everything maxed out in 32 bit colour at 1280x1024 and 4x antialiasing, without missing a beat. (Yes, it looks wonderful.
In short, I think you'll be able to play your old XBox games on XBox 2.
Here's hoping they hire someone other than a 14-year-old boy to do the case design this time :)
[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]