600,000 can't be wrong.
Isn't that the total number of as/400's sold? Not that there are that many still running, but iirc, 600,000 worldwide is how many were sold.
ot: this "iSeries" stuff cracks me up. We have a 400 here and it says, plainly on the front, "AS/400". I've been scolded for referring to it as "the 400" instead of "the iSeries" by management. The SA here printed a sticker that say's "iSeries" and pasted it over the "AS/400" on he box. He then called me and told me he wanted to show me the new platform we'd gotten. So I went back to the server room and he pointed to the sticker. Pretty funny ... for an SA ;0)
Java, Junk. Both start with a "J", both have four letters. Coincidence? I think not.