Post #123,608
10/31/03 10:27:37 PM

You ARE looking, right?
----------------------------------------- It is much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than it is to give them a helping hand. Mike Royko
Post #123,665
11/1/03 8:21:43 PM

Re: You ARE looking, right?
Yes, have put in about 20-30 resumes through Monster for things that I seemed to be a fit for.
I have my resumes out to about 3-4 headhunters, and actually "almost" had an interview at Network Associates. They wanted to interview me, then had two interviews prior to mine and hired one of the two.
The DBA (my replacement) left at my last job, but the company also lost the contract, but I contacted them anyway. It seems they're only interested in me helping them, "if they run into a problem". I offered a 5 hour a week, DBA "tuneup check" contract for their systems, hoping to make a little extra, but they haven't returned my call. I'll follow up Monday. Official word is that there's a hiring freeze through the end of year.
I've called and contacted about 10 friends, none of which have been very helpful, save one.
One of my friends at Raytheon, Garland put my resume in for a DBA spot early last week, but I haven't heard from them.
I don't know what to do at this point. I don't want to put my job further into jeapardy, but I have a complimentary letter from a customer, and might try to contact them for a job, but we could lose a large "potential" sale, if I do it.
Also, some competitors have posted positions very similar to the project I'm working on. My non-compete agreement with my current company is very "soft", and with the managment change, I considered answering some ads, but I'm very concerned that anything like that might get me fired or sued.
So, at this point, I'm a bit frustrated. The Dallas/Ft. Worth market has been TERRIBLE for tech jobs, I would say one of the worst job markets in the country.
I have friends who have literally been out of work for months (some as much as two years), and EDS and IBM here are dumping employees so fast, to pick up the $5 an hour guys (if that much), in Bangalore.
My wife is asking me to consider other job markets, like maybe Colorado, Oklahoma, New Mexico, etc. Nothing too far from home (Texas), and nothing with a million dollar cost of living.
I'm high in my range for tech people, and I've warned her that my next job could be a 20% cut or more from current compensation. This has made her depressed and angry, but I don't want to lie to her. I'm already down about 10% from what I made in 2000.
The other thing that keeps us in Texas is that we have a nice home 3000 sq. ft. at $1130 a month, good schools for kids, nice church, close to grandparents, good friends. So we have a lot to give up to move.
Glen Austin
Post #124,484
11/6/03 12:46:27 PM

News Confirms It
>>So, at this point, I'm a bit frustrated. The Dallas/Ft. Worth market has been TERRIBLE for tech jobs, I would say one of the worst job markets in the country.<<
Our local news said that Dallas/Ft. Worth was 2nd in the nation in high-tech unemployment, behind Silicon Valley. Lots of large employers ( Nortel, Alcatel, EDS, SBC, IBM, Verizon) laying off of droves of software and hardware people.
Other news is good, I was contacted for an interview with a pharmeceutical company who is moving their entire EDI department from San Francisco to Carrollton, TX. Interview is either tomorrow or Monday.
Glen Austin
Post #124,486
11/6/03 12:51:23 PM

good luck with the interview
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #124,495
11/6/03 1:42:55 PM

Good luck!
A fortuitous relocation, for sure.
Knock 'em daid!
jb4 "There are two ways for you to have lower Prescription-drug costs. One is you could hire Rush Limbaugh's housekeeper ... or you can elect me President." John Kerry
Post #124,680
11/7/03 9:05:09 PM

Interview Update...
The guy liked me well enough.... I qualify for the technical interview.
He said if I do well on the tech interview, he'll have an offer by the end of next week.
The problem is that I'll have to work 2 weeks a month out of San Francisco until March 1st.
And 24/7 beeper call when I get home. Pay is less than I currently make, benefits are better.
I wasn't really pleased with their work environment. People didn't seem to be very productive, and the cubes were terrible ( 1/2 height, no privacy ). People were standing around, most were badly dressed. I was told it was "dress down" Friday. They didn't seem to look very happy, like they were enjoying their jobs.
I don't know. I've got some other friends working on some stuff, and I would like an environment where people care, and it doesn't look like a slave ship. (People looking half alive, like they just don't care.)
We'll see how the tech interview goes.
Glen Austin
Post #124,697
11/8/03 12:25:12 AM

Half height cubes? "you were lucky..."
Last two jobs of mine have had desks with 30cm (one foot, in the old money) 'walls' between them.
Funny thing is, doesn't bother me. And to slip into horrible corporatespeak for a moment, such a setup actually does facilitate communication. Makes it easier to chat to people to get information, like.
John. Busy lad.
Post #124,700
11/8/03 1:14:40 AM

You had cubes? You were lucky
We had to make do with cardboard replicas. The cheap "texture" was painted on. With paint made from refuse. And brushes made of cat hair.
----------------------------------------- It is much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than it is to give them a helping hand. Mike Royko
Post #124,701
11/8/03 1:19:16 AM
11/8/03 9:56:22 PM

Works up to about...
...3-6 people, IF they are all working on the same or similar tasks. \r\n\r\n It's more-or-less "XP" (extreme programming). \r\n\r\n Two work arrangements that were among the worst for me: \r\n\r\n 20+ people in one room the majority with 1/2 hight walls (OpenSales). Comprising about 3-4 work teams (documentation, development, QA, and marketing, depending on assignments). Lots of conflicting noise going around. For which the solution was "play music through headphones" (for me, cancelling noise with more noise doesn't work). \r\n\r\n The other: 4 of us in an "open floorplan" office, with overheight cube walls (8'), arranged as a cross: '+'. Thing is, the four of us worked on the same stuff. So the only way we could collaborate was to get out of our own office, walk partway around the cross, and talk to one other person. Couldn't talk with 3+ people w/o pulling 2+ out of their offices. At the same time, we were wide open to all the noise and distraction of the rest of the office. Effectively: we were prevented from working with the people we most neede to work with, and were distracted by everyone else. \r\n\r\n Ironic bit about that last arrangement: the prior configuration was three of us in one office, desks to the walls. That was actually pretty good: we were all working on the same stuff, could ask one another quick questions as needed, and weren't distracted by anyone else. \r\n\r\n Best layout: an "open floorplan" office, but with 5' high cubes. Overall acustics were pretty quiet. Offices were arranged into "pods" of four desks. Sort of like: \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n+------------+--------+\r\n| | . |\r\n|............| . |\r\n| | . |\r\n| | . |\r\n+-------+ + . |\r\n . |\r\n ------+\r\n . |\r\n+-------+ + . |\r\n| | . |\r\n| | . |\r\n|............| . |\r\n| | . |\r\n+------------+--------+\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n Best part: we're largely isolated from other pods, can have impromptu conferences in the "hall", and still get a reasonable amount of privacy in our own office. Dimensions were, IIRC, 6'x8'.
--\r\n Karsten M. Self [link||]\r\n [link||]\r\n What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?\r\n [link||TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.\r\n \r\n Keep software free. Oppose the CBDTPA. Kill S.2048 dead.\r\n[link||]\r\n

Edited by kmself
Nov. 8, 2003, 03:50:00 PM EST

Edited by kmself
Nov. 8, 2003, 09:56:22 PM EST
Post #124,739
11/8/03 11:05:23 AM

Close to 30 people
In a "bull pen" configuration, in a long hallway.
The halls are so narrow that I can't even imagine that it meets fire codes.
Post #124,758
11/8/03 6:31:48 PM

Here's mine
I "share" an office.
I constructed a bookshelf wall thats gives about a 6 feet wide hallway that you need to come around in order to get to me. I filled it with software boxes / manuals at the very top so it goes to the ceiling.
There is no light or noise that can intrude without me wanting it.
Then someone else moved in. He got the corner by the door. Poor SOB.
Post #124,760
11/8/03 7:20:30 PM

Re: Here's mine
Did you disable the overhead fluorescent light?
That looks nice - that's how I would have set up the computers :)
The Win box would be VNC - why waste a monitor?
maybe I should send a resume.
Post #124,764
11/8/03 8:36:29 PM

VNC is too slow
Even direct connect 100 mbit. It also has a horrible method for scanning for changes on the screen. I really don't like it.
And yes, the lights NEVER go on. The Linux monitors are 21in flat screen Sun branded Sonys. Meant for their high end graphics workstations, when they had them. The Win monitor is a 19in Hitachi.
I've added lamp positions. They are all directed toward the wall or ceiling with the exception of my desk lamp, and they are variable so I keep them very low unless I have a visitor and we need to draw on the while boards which surround the room.
About 20 years ago I visited a print / layout shop. In the graphics room the only light was pinpoint spots and the light table. I always wanted that environment. I have had it for the past 7 years.
You can send a resume but we don't have any openings for your skills at this point. We current are looking for a VB person and a project manager.
Post #124,768
11/8/03 10:42:00 PM

Re: VNC is too slow
Every new contract - first two things - find the coffee machine - disable the overhead fluorescent lights by rotating them out of their sockets. In places with union maintenance I'd have to explain to the troll twice a month that I wanted it like that.
My ideal environment ever was a server room where they put me due to lack of space - I was in heaven. F-lights all completely off, small table lamp with a 100-watt incandescent bulb across the room, all sorts of twinkly LEDs, green and red - every day was Christmas!
My boss even would turn the lights off after visiting :)
Post #124,762
11/8/03 7:28:48 PM

Hee hee
For a while (a few years ago) I had a cubicle like this: \n ____________________\n| |\n| |\n| |\n| \\ |\n| \\ ____________|\n| A \\ | |\n| \\|____________|\n I slanted wall "A", narrowing the gap as you went in, just under the threshold of conscious notice (ASCII art doesn't do it justice). But subconsciously... >:)
I was one of the original authors of VB, and *I* wouldn't use VB for a text processing program. :-) Michael Geary, on comp.lang.python
Post #124,761
11/8/03 7:21:29 PM

Our layout:
\n _________________________________________________\n| Humongous Desk | | | | ||\n| _______ | | T | L O | S ||\n| / L | | AC | V |--> | O ||\n|____| | | / |___| | F ||\n| | |_____| / _____ ___| A ||\n| N | / D | B | F |___||\n|___|______________G___/ ____|_____|___|____|\n Key: N = Network Rack. AC = Our own AC unit "for the hardware". G = A dozen Burp Guns in a wall rack. B = Bookcase. F = 3/4 Fridge. O = A little adjustable coffee table I put my laptop on. L = Two recessed lights I put in on separate dimmers, continuing the coffee-shop feel. SOFA = My work chair. TV = 27" + CD, DVD. Facing me. Humongous Desk = My assistant's desk. The 8 (?) servers are underneath on a single KVM. And best of all: D = A door we shut constantly. As soon as I get the time, the bookcase will be replaced with a larger unit behind the sofa.
I was one of the original authors of VB, and *I* wouldn't use VB for a text processing program. :-) Michael Geary, on comp.lang.python
Post #124,775
11/9/03 1:01:52 AM

While we're describing offices...
We have no partitions, partly because we're a very small company (7 people) and partly because we try use extreme programming. The two guys who do sales have an "office", though, with their own door, and we have a meeting room at the other end of the office. The servers also have their own little closet next to the meeting room. The rest is open space.
Is it enough to love Is it enough to breathe Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed
| | Is it enough to die Somebody save my life I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary Please
| -- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne. |
Post #124,788
11/9/03 10:33:26 AM

Does that mean...
Best part: we're largely isolated from other pods
that you're a "Pod Person"? LOOK OUT EVERYBODY! It's "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" all over again!!!
"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||VB/SQL resume] [link||Tandem resume] [link||contact me]
Post #124,805
11/9/03 2:12:08 PM

Well, our workgroup structure was "pods". Which I immediately started playing with. At which point, Marty says "Karsten, one more pun out of you and you'll drop and give me 20". To which I reply "So we're the bod pod, eh?". \r\n
--\r\n Karsten M. Self [link||]\r\n [link||]\r\n What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?\r\n [link||TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.\r\n \r\n Keep software free. Oppose the CBDTPA. Kill S.2048 dead.\r\n[link||]\r\n