[link|http://nypost.com/commentary/9504.htm|This is what he does, in general.]


October 30, 2003 -- WESLEY CLARK'S fizzle from superstar wannabe to self-proclaimed "underdog" is raising new questions in the Democratic Party about former President Bill Clinton's star - and political smarts.

Clinton helped launch Clark in a wave of media buzz by talking up the retired general as one of the Democrats' top two stars - along with wife Hillary - and prodding allies like Mickey Kantor to back him.

But political novice Clark is sinking in most polls, down to also-ran status in Iowa and New Hampshire, and had a few deer-in-the-headlights moments at last Sunday's debate.

Officially, Clinton now insists he wasn't promoting the retired general, but other Democratics don't buy it. "Yeah, and he never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky," sniffed a rival strategist.

I say:

And to think people actually worship this guy. He's exactly the sort of man bimbos fall for, because he knows how to manipulate bimbos, and has no scruples about doing so. But many of his supporters are male...

Traditional American curse: may Bill Clinton campaign on your behalf.