Indeed there are many disaffected, each with reasons and also unreasonable views of America and Muricans. The larger group is that which the already committed would catalyze. It appears that Dubya et al sorta get this - may they continue to realize how much a propaganda war this is, and how little a conventional one..
Israel - mistakes, warts and all - has to be the most experienced in daily living out the constant nearby presence of those who: rejected many forms of past possible agreements toward accommodation, at least one of these including redrawing of the map to near pre-67 standards.
The stated POV of their most vociferous opponents is: utter annihilation of Israel and contents. (No one knows how an honest plebiscite of actual Arabs as call selves Palestinians, would go: we hear only from the bellicose 'leaders' via self-appointment and intrigue.)
We here, may be at the beginning of comprehending how it is - to be in such a position, to retain humanitarian values AND *survive* too.. that's all.