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New Oh come on
We say Red Cross, they say Red Crescent. Same thing.

OK, George W. is deceptive to be sure. Dissembling, too. And let's not forget deceitful. He is lacking veracity and frankness, and void of sooth, though seemingly sincere in his proclivity for pretense. But he did not lie.
[link|http://www.jointhebushwhackers.com/not_a_liar.cfm|Brian Wimer]
New Re: Oh come on
I'm not convinced the cross has anything to do with Christianity. Does it? I'm more inclined to think that the founders had Swiss connections and that the organization grew out of Swiss neutrality. The Christian cross is never equi-lateral. So the "Red Crescent" is a strange morph.

New There you go
In October 1863, The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement was created in Geneva, Switzerland, to provide nonpartisan care to the wounded and sick in times of war. The Red Cross emblem was adopted at this first International Conference as a symbol of neutrality and was to be used by national relief societies. The symbol is composed of five equal squares, sometimes referred to as a Greek cross. It was chosen because it is a reverse of the colors of the Swiss flag and because the red cross on a background of white was easily recognized and reproducible on battlefields.

The Geneva Conventions now recognize two emblems that are currently in use, the red cross and the red crescent (used in most Muslim countries). The red shield of David emblem used by Israel, while not in the Geneva Conventions, is also a respected emblem. The emblem is the symbol used by the Magen David Adom, Israel's humanitarian relief organization.

OK, George W. is deceptive to be sure. Dissembling, too. And let's not forget deceitful. He is lacking veracity and frankness, and void of sooth, though seemingly sincere in his proclivity for pretense. But he did not lie.
[link|http://www.jointhebushwhackers.com/not_a_liar.cfm|Brian Wimer]
New The very fact that the Crescent and Star of David are used
as alternate symbols proves the Red Cross is a religious symbol.

But try to convince the Islamist fundamentalists it's not an infidel Crusader symbol.

"Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something." -- last words of Pancho Villa (1877-1923)
New Re: The very fact that the Crescent and Star of David..
Apparently the Swiss flag derives from a Roman banner granted to a sovereign city-state upon independence. The cross apparently does (tenuously) symbolize the Emperor as defender of Christianity (how ironic). Thus the Red Cross is twice removed from any religious affiliation.


The St. George's Cross (red cross on white) is the "original" flag of England - combined with the Scottish St. Andrew's Cross (diagonal white on blue) we get the familiar Union Jack. Again there is a connection with Christianity but only indirectly - supposedly the resurrected Christ held a cloth so marked.


New ROFL! Can't miss this quote...
Edward III "appoynted his souldiers to wear white Coats or Jackets, with a red Crosse before and behind over their Armoure, that it was not onely a comely, but a stately sight to behold the English Battles, like the rising Sunne, to glitter farre off in that pure hew; when the souldiers of other nations in their baser weedes would not be discerned."
New That richly deserves to be appended as a reply to any...

..."for appearances sake" directive from on high.



Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]\r\n
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?\r\n
[link|http://twiki.iwethey.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/|TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.\r\n
   Keep software free.     Oppose the CBDTPA.     Kill S.2048 dead.\r\n[link|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html]\r\n
     AP: Now they're targetting the Red Cross - (marlowe) - (8)
         Re: AP: Now they're targetting the Red Cross - (a6l6e6x) - (7)
             Oh come on - (Arkadiy) - (6)
                 Re: Oh come on - (deSitter) - (5)
                     There you go - (Arkadiy) - (4)
                         The very fact that the Crescent and Star of David are used - (a6l6e6x) - (3)
                             Re: The very fact that the Crescent and Star of David.. - (deSitter) - (2)
                                 ROFL! Can't miss this quote... - (deSitter) - (1)
                                     That richly deserves to be appended as a reply to any... - (kmself)

OK, I know most of those words...
43 ms