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New Answer to your rhetorical question: When Rush said so!
"There are two ways for you to have lower Prescription-drug costs. One is you could hire Rush Limbaugh's housekeeper ... or you can elect me President."
John Kerry
Collapse Edited by jb4 Oct. 27, 2003, 09:30:28 PM EST
Andwer to your rhetorical question: When Rush said so!
"There are two ways for you to have lower Prescription-drug costs. One is you could hire Rush Limbaugh's housekeeper ... or you can elect me President."
John Kerry
     TCS: Angry Left tries to have it both ways on free speech - (marlowe) - (3)
         So, where's the hypocrisy? - (tangaroa) - (2)
             Answer to your rhetorical question: When Rush said so! -NT - (jb4)
             Read it again, this time for comprehension. -NT - (marlowe)

Only if you're a philistinic illiterate colonial baboon like yourself.
40 ms