NZ vs Tonga game (not that Tonga has any real standing in rugby).

Also, if you get the chance, do watch a Japan vs ? game, it is genuinely entertaining.

Cheers Doug
(I thought the folk who directed us here said that sport was discussed in this forum, as far as I can tell u & I are the only two discussing real sport :-)

#2 - just finished watching AB vs T - the AB beat the Tongans by the highest score thus far in the tourney - ahhhh well if only we had had 'Rocococo' and Tana Umunga in there - such is life - your best players off the field so ya settle for second best :-()

#3 Just now watched Georgia play RSA - now I think you need to revise your opinion of RSA - Georgia (rank outsiders) showed RSA that they don't just drink vodka are fight Russians. The score was 41 to 19 up to the last 30 seconds when RSA wheeled a Georgian scrum on the Georgia tryline & were awarded a feed. From that RSA scored the last try. The crowd was really rewarded with an exciting game as until that last RSA try, it looked like Georgia was teaching granny how to suck eggs. :-)

#4 Just watched the Wallabies play Namibia - what to say !!! record score of 142 to nil. A bit sad for the Namibs who all seemed to be tough Dutch / German people. The wallabies just seemed to get great passing going & got the bulk of their points from tries in each corner. The Namibs were not really a pushover in the forwards. I think the wallabies were just on one hell of a roll & also did manage to take a lot of line-out ball from the Namibs. Just hope the score doesn't bring any sicredit to the 'world series'.