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New Here's a question...
Does the BullShit Ass. (BSA) have anything resembling the power of law? I mean, do they arrive on your premises with a search warrant? And if so, are they legally allowed to serve and/or execute it?

I rather doubt it. I mean, I don't recall having the BSA deputized in my state (IL). And if they indeed do not have such power, why don't people who are "visited" by these vermin politely but firmly tell them to piss off?
(Enquiring minds want to know...)
New Ya mean like

Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
New Yes, ***EXACTLY*** like that! :-))
(Resistance is not futile...)
New If they have "evidence" - the word of a snitch is often . .
. . enough, they can get a judge to sign off on a raid, collect the sheriff or local police and come in and confiscate all a business' computers (at gun point if need be), esentially shutting down the business.

Since they push this point hard, most businesses just let them in to investigate on-site rather than risk being put out of business instantly.

If you have purchased any Microsoft software on any "volume license" plan ("volume" starts at 5), you have "accepted" license terms that allow Microsoft to audit when they please, with or without cause. Refusal to adhere to this license term would probably be sufficient evidence to bring in the sheriff. [link|http://www.aaxnet.com/topics/slicense.html| More detail here.]
New There is a certain lag time
between some bespecticled bean counter with an attitude ringing your doorbell, and the local gendarmerie ringing that same doorbell with an officious-looking paper. In that lag time, you can:

1) Delete everything "illegal" from your computer. (Indeed, with sufficient backups, you could potentially delete everything from your computer, except for DOS playing 'pong'.)

2) Get your lawyer on site, so that any papers that might be served would be serverd properly, all I's crossed and T's dotted, etc.

3) If you are a SOHO, close your doors, and un-ass the premises. I do not believe (although IANAL) that a search warrant can be served when the premises are not occupied.

4) Move any offending machines off-site. In fact, if the vermin insist on taking your computers, by having some of them off-site, you can at least remain in business.

5) Call your uncle at the courthouse and tell him to tell that same bespecticled bean counter with an attitude to bugger off!

(This is an inclusive OR...)

May not be totally effective. but it may prove somewhat satisfying to at least let the morons know that they are not as omnipotent as the storm troopers the pretend to be.
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Those techniques work great
If your a single person or a VERY small office (and you know what's going on). Most groups are a little larger and/or ignorant of what's on their systems.
     The attack is on! - (Andrew Grygus) - (7)
         Axis Powers: Taliban, M$ and ____ always act in concert.. - (Ashton)
         Here's a question... - (jb4) - (5)
             Ya mean like - (imric) - (1)
                 Yes, ***EXACTLY*** like that! :-)) -NT - (jb4)
             If they have "evidence" - the word of a snitch is often . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
                 There is a certain lag time - (jb4) - (1)
                     Those techniques work great - (Simon_Jester)

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