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New Linux running non-Linux drivers
The first comes from Montreal, Canada -- it is called "DriverLoader" and created by Linuxant Inc. Simply put, it is a revolutionary "compatibility wrapper" allowing standard Windows NDIS 5.0 drivers (the network driver standard used by Windows and on an earlier spec revision by OS/2 too) as shipped by hardware vendors for windows users to be used as-is on Linux x86 systems as well.

It will be interesting to see just how much they can support and how well. The website really says almost nothing about the product other then a link to download it. I would love to at least have a general idea how it works.

New What an awful idea
JayMehaffey wrote:

It will be interesting to see just how much they can support and how well. The website really says almost nothing about the product other then a link to download it. I would love to at least have a general idea how it works.

It lets you run crummy proprietary, binary-only drivers in ring-zero kernelspace. Honestly, what more do you need to know?

Rick Moen
SEE: [link|http://linuxgazette.net/|http://linuxgazette.net/]

If you lived here, you'd be $HOME already.
     Linux running non-Linux drivers - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
         What an awful idea - (rickmoen)

Analyze its orgone levels.
28 ms