Part of prroblem is the way Shrub sought UN help
he went there and insulted them yet again. US admin desperately needs help in Iraq before it spirals out of control. Turkish troops in place at expense of Kurdisk peace & support is about the only viable option at the moment.
Australian PM was cunning enough to go in at the start, with Bush but on the clear agreement that once the war was over, the Aussies came out, this way Howard could placate any potential groundswell of reaction at home prior to the 2004 election (in Australia), should the post invasion occupation turn sour which was always a distinct possibility (probability?).
Shrub has had no such luck in extracting US forces from the murderous fulisade of suicide bombers & snipers. But, to be seen going begging to the UN would cave in his regime quicker than anything so he either has to do some fast backroom deal with one of the European powers or bring in the Turks at the expense (once again) of Kurdish trust.
Bush and the repubs are in a very tight spot but I give them credit for having some regime saving scheme or diversion up their sleeves. It could well be yet another war. There are enough targets lined up. Israel could be the fuse or detonator.
Doug Marker