IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Debianistas++
OK, now have Debian up and running and kinda usable as a Desktop system.

Still lots of tweakage to be done, but it's there, and it works.

In short, zIWT and TWIT have been invaluable, as was Knoppix 3.3. I took the approach suggested by several people, and just did a minimal base install, with the intention of apt-getting my way to happiness. So far, that's worked.

I'm running Stable, but don't know how long that'll last, as I am a bit prone to 'easily distracted by shiny things' syndrome, and the standard Gnome 1.4 install isn't exactly shiny. But I'll follow the 'stay with Stable for a month or three' suggestion before I go breaking stuff :)

John. Busy lad.
New Be daring
Go for it young man.
Be daring and run unstable.
It's a beautiful experience living on the edge :)
My desktop has been happily chugging along with the unstable distro for ages without too many glitches.
However, it does result in rather large updates every week.
Not only that I'm running xfree86 4.3 which is classified as an experimental package as 4.2 doesn't properly support my new graphics chipset :(
And just for a bit of extra fun I've got kernel 2.6 running.
It's sweet.
     Debianistas++ - (Meerkat) - (1)
         Be daring - (Gibbo)

Goo goo goo joob!
37 ms