Even by the standards of ethnic identities. This is the reductio ad absurdam of identity politics.

The only thing that gives them their identity is their blind murderous hatred of all members of another ethnic group AS SUCH. I'd rather not legitimize that. If you're gonna hate someone, hate him on his merits, not the circumstances of his birth.

For example, Yasser Arafat is someone you can hate on the basis of merit alone. The guy was born in Cairo, by the way, into a rich family. He's only a "Palestinian" because he chooses to be. Same for the rest of them, ultimately. Assuming their parents allow them to survive to the age of accountability, that is.

Oh, and it goes both ways. I don't give anyone any special consideration because of how he came into the world. Class consciousness is the sort of thing that keeps nations backward. Race consciousness is just a variant of that. They've both done wonders for India, haven't they? As for victim groups - there are two or three I could apply for, but I choose not to join.