Earlier today it was reported that Rummy had identified US's next target for attack - the many reporters & journalists who were publishing details of the growing US casualties in Iraq (on the serious side, he was shown on morning news saying that the journalist community should be focusing on other matters, he smiled weakly as he said it)
Tonight's news (SBS channel) highlighted that a new presidential Iraq advisory council had been formed headed by Condy Rice & that Rummy had not been notified nor invited.
Looks like Shrub is going to throw Rummy to the snarling pack in the hope that Rummy will be seen as the evil one in relation to the war to destroy Iraq's phantom WMD.
Had the casualty rate been kept low or the press been controlled enough to ignore the extent of the casualties, Rummy would still be riding high. Here in Oz the seriously injured US forces numbers are said to exceed 6,000. Those figures also hide the number of subsequent deaths occuring after the initial reports of being wounded.
The news item this evening ended by saying that it was looking like Rummy would be dropped from Shrub's platform going into the 1994 election.
Doug M
#1 misspoke 6 as a 3 corrected it to 6.