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New My intuition tells me otherwise.
We'll have to wait and see who is right but I wouldn't be surprised if the aid workers are being framed in an attempt to gain a political advantage.

The timing of the arrests coincide too closely with the attacks for me to think this is merely lucky timing for the Taliban.

If the Taliban really wanted to expel them from the country, they could have done so by now. No, I think they want to execute these aid workers that went there to help the Afghan people. I think if they do kill these workers, the backlash by moderate Islamic people will be significant.
New Re: Your biased faith tells you otherwise

It is easier to believe they were framed by evil Taliban fanatics than to accept that these people behaved to stupidly.
The Taliban in their own Sharia way, are very moral (far too damn moral for our western liking).

Remeber that the Taliban is the people (a percentage), the mullahs, and the leadership. We have taken exception to the zelous actions of the Taliban leadership (these being Bin Laden, who is a Taliban leader, and Mullah Omah).

But as I said - if these missionary idiots are not guilty of taking stacks of afghan language bibles & CDs to the country I will publicly eat my hat - (it is because of some knowledge of their system of law there plus what I read before the Sept 11th attack, than I am in little doubt as to what they were doing).


Doug Marker
New I'm afraid not (see Iron Curtain, God's Smuggler)
It is easier to believe they were framed by evil Taliban fanatics than to accept that these people behaved to stupidly.

There aren't just Islam fanatics in the world; there aren't just Christian fanatics. There are some people who, mistaken as you may think, live a certain set of beliefs. God's Smuggler (by presumably the pseudoanonymous Brother Andrew) talks about he would travel behind the Iron Curtain smuggling Bibles at a time when the Communists were doing their damnedest to stomp out organized religion.

From my memory of reading the book, with his interpretation of the commands of the bible, he sincerely believed it was his duty to bring the Word of God to those behind the Iron Curtain, even though it might mean his imprisonment or, depending what form it took, death. The only trouble is the only story from the book was how he was driving a Volkswagon, I believe, and had to take it in to a mechanic. Mechanic was surprised that it was in such good shape for its mileage, but then Andrew told him the odometer had gone around two or three times.
Who knows how empty the sky is
In the place of a fallen tower.
Who knows how quiet it is in the home
Where a son has not returned.

-- Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966)
     The aid workers are being used as political pawns. - (brettj) - (8)
         Re: Yes they are pawns - dumbassed ones - (dmarker2) - (5)
             My intuition tells me otherwise. - (brettj) - (2)
                 Re: Your biased faith tells you otherwise - (dmarker2) - (1)
                     I'm afraid not (see Iron Curtain, God's Smuggler) - (wharris2)
             Martyr-complexes are not reserved for Muslims.. - (Ashton) - (1)
                 Re: Jesuits were slaughtered by the Japs after many warnings - (dmarker2)
         sorry to disapoint ya laddie, - (boxley) - (1)
             Re: My own daughter would possibly go there - (dmarker2)

Absorbant and yellow and porous are we!
68 ms