Jeff Waugh specifically, Jason Spence to a lesser extent, are wanking around avoiding addressing the technical points raised. Martin Pool is being cool to my suggestions, but at least he's addressing them. Strawman tactics are setting up a patently bogus example, painting it as the opponoents position, and tearing it to bits. If you've read the thread, you might have noticed that what I'm calling attention to is the equivocation and sidestepping which Waugh and Spence have been practicing. I'll call it like I see it, and I've been seeing tons of it.
\r\n\r\nI expressly disagree with Pennington's comment about non-coders not being able to provide input, however popular that might be with code-slingers. I've received very valid input from noncoders. I've also given very valid input to coders with specific experience in areas other than my own expertise. Coding and architecture are related, but not identical activities. And yes, it's possible to get complete bullshit stuff thrown at you, I've tossed some of it myself. If you'll note the different tacks taken by Pool on the one hand and Waugh/Spence on the other, you'll note that Pool is giving consideration to the issues, while Spence/Waugh are just blowing them off. Waugh/Spense can be summarized largely as:
\r\n\r\n- \r\n
- Users should accept the defualts. \r\n
- GNOME is aimed at Joe Sixpack, not Charley Coder. \r\n
- If you want to hack configs, Charley, use something else.</li.\r\n
- Since Joe Sixpack doesn't code, he's not qualified to comment on our work. \r\n
- Therefore: GNOME developers don't need to listen to user input.
- \r\n\r\n
Lemme spell that out for you: B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T.
\r\n\r\nIn the event you weren't paying attention, that's a little case of circular logic.
And with all that said: contrary to popular belief, I'm a programmer with over ten years' experience. It happens to be in area other than C/C++ and GNOME libs. But I've got enough grounding to sense a clusterfuck. And the closer I get to GNOME, the worse it smells.
\r\n\r\nAs to Don's comments -- he's mostly kept out of the frey, but he's dropped a couple of comments on both sides. You may also have noted that the introduction of automotive components and control systems was initiated by one of the GNOME side -- Martin. Don't choke on it.