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New HTML to info converter?
Anyone know of one?

I have a text-mode IDE that wants info files for context-sensitive help.
New Not offhand, but...

A few suggestions.


The texinfo package contains a number of utilities, including makeinfo, which can create info docs from various sources. If you can find a DTD translator between HTML and TeXinfo, you might be able to kluge something. Given that both Info and HTML are fairly high-level DTDs, the conversion is likely nontrivial.


There are a number of info => HTML converters. Might take a look at these for hints.


Which raises a third possibility: HTML is the lingua franca of markup languages of the past decade and forseable future. What is the possibility of getting the IDE to support HTML docs? This would be IMVAO far superioor.

Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]\r\n
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     HTML to info converter? - (deSitter) - (1)
         Not offhand, but... - (kmself)

You might, rabbit. You might.
64 ms