You're just as fucking confused as the BOx, it seems.
Doug-man replies to the Ox:
You are being funny here aren't you ?????
Naah, he's just confused; he probably thought you were a HK Chinese for the last few years, too.
Finns are generally friendly & tend towards polite but firm interaction.
OTOH, that description fits me to a T!
What the fuck do you mean it doesn't, asshole!?! Wanna step outside and debate it?!?
Nup, you are confusing the effect of moving a visual descendant of Attila's huns to the brave and bold region of blonde powerful scandanavia.
Huh??? If anyone is anymore, Finns are probably related to Huns -- much more closely so than Germans, anyway! (That WWI-era British usage of "Huns" for "Germans" must have been a case of "let's pick a generally acknowledged Evil name for them, based on them being 'the bad guys' from our perspective, and situated East of us". The irony they missed is that the victims the *real* Huns used to be 'the bad guys' to, were... the Germans.)
And WTF is "visual descendant" supposed to mean?