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New re..prospects of spiritual revival and passionless vulgarity
and that tiresome straw-dog of yours, which still won't hunt - the inane Left-caricature:

A single word can encapsulate the predictability of your dogmatic fulminations. And whether Straussian or pseudo-variants, it's a given that the less exhortative approach of Strauss shall appeal more to some than the Nietzschean bellow.

Still, neither of these (nor the methodical ravings of the aberrant William Kristol, whose eyes are dead; watch him talk sometime..) shall succeed in distilling into a roadmap for the Certain - a substitute for wisdom.

Passionate vulgarity is always full of Action and alarums - followed by intricate explainings about how Good were the motives, despite the dissemblings and the unanticipated consequences (as now, on the world scene).

You aren't going to limn a God within your (damn.. irony is everywhere) Human Events ideological diatribes either .. for all obvious reasons.

Oh.. the word for that closed-box, your permanent enclosure? - that common hubris of every True Believer, fondly thinking that he can think (as can no others, quite so Perfectly).

Nor will such terpsichorean flights as
\ufffdNatural right\ufffd is the manner in which \ufffdnature\ufffd shows itself in politics. But what is nature? In Natural Right and History, Strauss does not offer a simple definition of nature but proceeds dialectically through prephilosophic political life to show how nature first came to sight or was discovered. This procedure does justice to what Strauss identifies as \ufffdthe two most important meanings of \ufffdnature\ufffd: \ufffdnature\ufffd as the essential character of a thing or a group of things and \ufffdnature\ufffd as \ufffdthe first things.\ufffd\ufffd
..demonstrate more than the usual careless dealings with word [referents] as characterize all your polemics.. mightily alleging a logical process resulting in --> The Truth\ufffd.

But hey - less caustically illegible than much of your cut/paste material, and even some good stuff mixed-in! Kudos for even slightly less insulting ego-summation for the reader, as you prove unable to eschew. (We're inured to the Generic-Left strawdog of your fevered imagination, so I won't even count this embarrassing neurasthenia.)

Hmmm - maybe next you can define the spiritual for all us ignoramuses, Fra Lippi?


New Jeeze Ash, where is Fritz Perls when ya need him

He had a way with words when describing this type of thing - iirc he would look the person in the eye and say m... f...... often blew their egos flat but those who listened deeply & learned, were the better for it.

Whatever else one could say about Perls, his teaching & life, he sure understood this aspect of human intellectualization.

Cheers D
New Re: Jeeze Ash, where is Fritz Perls when ya need him
Believe he divided most-all material presented into

A) Ordinary shit
B) Elephant shit

But that-all was in another era, ere the Ronnie Age of pre-Blessed Greed and the ongoing fallout from that wallow.. Were FP still about, I wonder if there might have been a

C) Tyrannosaur shit (?)

to cover what happens when the Neanderthals have actually begun to dismantle the thin veneer of civilization, with a vengeance.

(Nahhh.. I expect mostly that, he'd still have been inured to political actions - seeing, as he did - how people would construct bizarre enough imaginations of the 'world': all by their lonesome)

New Here is an apt Perlian quote (about himself) :-)
which is to his credit (that he could be so honest about himself).

1927 Frankfurt, Vienna, Berlin. More analysis, supervision. Fenichel, Deutsch, Hitschwan, Happel, etc. Became a real wisdomshitter. Confuse others.

Now why did this bit of this particular quote leap out and bite :-)

Seems that one day, perhaps, way off in the long distant future. Our resident jihadist/propagandist may just glimse how others saw him once, and in this moment of realization (should it ever happen), a sense of humility might begin to emerge.

Cheers Doug
     What real philosophy looks like. - (marlowe) - (10)
         LOL - (JayMehaffey) - (2)
             Nietzsche didn't have a philosophy. He had an inkblot test. - (marlowe) - (1)
                 Too much protest - you ARE Rush - (deSitter)
         re..prospects of spiritual revival and passionless vulgarity - (Ashton) - (3)
             Jeeze Ash, where is Fritz Perls when ya need him - (dmarker) - (2)
                 Re: Jeeze Ash, where is Fritz Perls when ya need him - (Ashton) - (1)
                     Here is an apt Perlian quote (about himself) :-) - (dmarker)
         *FAP* -NT - (pwhysall)
         ROFL! high falutin gets you every time - (boxley) - (1)
             Sssshhhhhh.. - (Ashton)

I don't need to do a bunch of coke to be happy.
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