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New Cheery dump-M$ note, from Finland (The Reg) CRC-assisted?
[link|http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/22070.html|Finns fume re Fuckware]

Maybe only a city of 200K, but - bet other cities will be watching with interest (?)

CRC - can ya help 'em out, send a few links to assist in conversion?

Gawd told me She also thinks B n'B are co-Anti-Christs, just last night.. Sorry - no link.
New Naah, they didn't get it from me (I'm sorry to say)...
> [link|http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/22070.html|Finns fume re Fuckware]
> Maybe only a city of 200K, but - bet other cities will be watching with interest (?)
> CRC - can ya help 'em out, send a few links to assist in conversion?
> Ashton
> Gawd told me She also thinks B n'B are co-Anti-Christs, just last night.. Sorry - no link.
...but then, that was in large part because I don't subscribe to the "Hesari"; only caught this on the TV news, so I didn't have any links to corroborate it with.

On TV, though, it's a week or two older than these first semi-concrete steps by Åbo / Turku: There was this guy, a researcher of some kind from the "Association of Finnish municipalities" who said the whole country ought to look into this, something like three weeks ago. The Minister for Communications, Olli-Pekka Heinola, was also interviewed by the TV news the same or the next day, and sounded surprisingly popsitive: "Yes, in fact we already looked into that a couple of years ago, but found to our regret that Linux wasn't mature enough on the desktop yet. But since it's evolved since then, I guess it's time to look into it again."

BTW, Åbo (the Finnish name, "Turku", is more recent so Åbo is the "real" name) might be "only" a city of 200,000 inhabitants, but that's not so "only" for Finnish circumstances: Until about the early or mid-nineties, it was second largest in the country, after Helsingfors / Helsinki. And then it was surpassed only by Esbo / Espoo, the neighbour and basically suburb of Helsingfors / Helsinki -- so in a way, it's still second, only the "Greater Metropolitan Area" of Hfrs/Hki has grown so much (it's far too big for a balanced country, with over 20% of the entire nation's inhabitants) that it shows up twice before Åbo / Turku in the statistics.

Uh, "send a few links to assist" in *what* conversion? To the Reg, to assist in the "conversion" from news in Finnish to English; or to the city of Åbo / Turku, to assist in the conversion from Windows to Linux? The first, as I said, I didn't have; and the second, I am (by a wide gaping margin) not qualified for.

Hatten är din, hatten är din. Hatten är din, hatt baby! (Note to Scott: those a's in that LRPDism should really be umlauts.)
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New Being naturally presumtuous
I imagined that many Finns aren't bad at Engrish (though of course - I didn't imagine they could come close to the local er Oracle in that :-)

Ergo, just maybe a few places with good reasoning, hints about the dilemma of converting - like Andy, aax.net and many places in zIWErs' link libraries - might provide some illumination.

I'd also 'presume' Finns to be somewhat less PHB-besotted than us, The International Standard - thus able to contemplate accommodating the few missing features in Star Office, without panic.

That's all..

meddling in international affairs - again
     Cheery dump-M$ note, from Finland (The Reg) CRC-assisted? - (Ashton) - (2)
         Naah, they didn't get it from me (I'm sorry to say)... - (CRConrad) - (1)
             Being naturally presumtuous - (Ashton)

An implementation of non-trivial covariant returns for non-varadic virtual functions.
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