Hmm DRDOS better able to handle a boot anomaly ?! - could that be anything related to the media descriptor byte being handled with more er "class", d'ya think?

(I once played a bit in that area on some floppies; IIRC could render disk unuseable, unformattable - right around that byte. If you left disk editor and tried to reaccess that floppy: no dikes.)

Nice twist of the digital knife - *nix mounting DOS, where DOS fears to even let you peek.. What an 'industry' - myopic not-engineered-here assholes everywhere!

But I still recall Don Evans reengineering the one *analog* part of the MPU in the PDP-8 (!) maybe the ALU? -- and tossing in an FET (IIRC) to linearize conversion better..

cackle cackle