When that job comes, you must cross that threshold and face your fear. That you're able to talk about it publically signals a readiness to me. Go for it, don't look back. If you don't, you'll be eternally in wonder if you COULD have, and that's a far worse place to be in the long run.

I think of the child peering out the front door into the yard with wonderment. scared to death of he might give up by leaving the comfort of his home, his parents even for a brief time. Once he's out there and experiences some of the things life has to offer, there's no turning back.

Step into the yard.

Thanks, that really helped. And you're right, there was a time when I would not, could not talk about it in public...

I think maybe I'm just too overwhelmed tonight, maybe a good night's sleep will help. I feel emotionally drained.

Thanks Steve.

Nightowl >8#