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New Typical government project management.
Everything the government does comes in over budget. But in this case, the benefits also defy calculation. Marshall Plans have never come cheap. But so far, they've always been worth it.

Too bad foreign policy can't be done by the private sector. No doubt they'd do it for half the price. And there'd be a mail in rebate, with coupons for aircraft carriers and Supreme Court rulings. (Want to buy a Supreme Court ruling? No doubt lots of people would.)
Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New No, it's NOT typical
It's a litany of stupidity - the stupidity of all radicals, who don't want truth, rather a metaphysical tit to nurse at, helpless mental babes afraid of their own shadows.
     Time - So, What Went Wrong? - (admin) - (2)
         Typical government project management. - (marlowe) - (1)
             No, it's NOT typical - (deSitter)

Dein Glück... ist nicht mein Glück... ist mein Unglück.
54 ms