Thou (female) shalt not appear to be Smarter than thy boy-toy in the baggy shorts/Power Tie {same thing}
Let us pause for a few moments of silent angst at the horrifying plight of {Woman 2003} {sigh}
She who must wrack brain and heart for some New more effective means -???- of appearing as Dumbed-down as She Must ... now to unprecedented levels of sweeping cluelessness. But there is More:
She must also be anorexic, (despite joining inSignificant Other in junkish cuisine) install labia- and other metal- attachments of the skin/body cutting-ergo-despising sort; must erase any vocabulary acquired (secretly, despite skool, maybe even by reading :-0) as not to exceed the Daily 200+ grunt-vocabulary of approval / disapproval as.. obviate the need for even one more new Sonnet ever being needed (or even heard of).
Finally, and in order to Eat (pre- mid- or post-) ""relationship"" - she must simultaneously wear non-gender-suggesting Ugly Suits to blend in with the Armani uniform and:
Learn All Those TLA's, staying current daily, as The Corp Mission is redefined for offshoring Her Job too!
[just as soon as she trains-up her temporary replacement .. untilitshisturn]
MUST - even treat with mock-seriousness (!!) the male-agonising over the Latest Sportz Scores:
..those faux results of roving bands of vivid-Suited mercenaries who travel around extorting Palatial Stadia construction (over prisons, even - the other #1) - for a time, locally - then Move On from
..the local lemmings as shall have Worshipped *Their Team* !! rah. rah.
(That'll be $120, for behind the post. Cash, asshole. Next!)
(Must prepare all-along for a 100% self-sufficient 'old age' as her youthful plastic beauty no longer Cuts it\ufffd within the rankishness of the boy-toys: whom she shall Outlive. The final Evening-up? if a bit too late for proper savouring)
((but Oh.. there really IS - savouring as beats slavering, as in {cackle} {cackle} {cackle})) I hear..
So.. how about a little Compassion here, chaps!
..before deciding upon today's program of eMasculated mindless destruction, random violence played-out local or abroad -
(to neurally neutralize the mandatory sycophantic posture just.. temporarily left.. behind at-The-Office?)
Hey! it's ALL cause and effect, y'know?
Ashton Jung Atilla Yanni
US. Poor. Bastards!