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New We brought this on ourselves
We wouldn't be in this pickle [link|http://www.thenewrepublic.com/100801/easterbrook100801.html|if we hadn't bought their oil].

Well, so much for the theory of evangelical capitalism. Which also calls over a decade of China policy into question. Perhaps we should be a bit more picky who we do business with?
New Excellent article
This is an excellent article, pretty much nailing the fundamental problem of the US dependence on middle eastern oil.

As the article points out, it's not just the direct effect of oil money being diverted to terrorist that causes the problem, its also the funding of dictators and repressive governments that fosters terrorists and cause environments that creates more terrorists.

The only thing I see that it misses is in the blame department. In trying to lay the blame around evenly it's spreads it a bit think on the left, but misses a few spots on the right. It skips over pointing out how oilmen have opposed the use of other power sources, keeping the government from funding research into wind and solar power. And blaming environmentalists ignores the valid points they have about the permanent damage often done by companies that exploit natural resources.

But their fundamental point, that there is certainly a lot of blame to go around for our dependence on oil, is sound.

New Re: Excellent article - in one sense

Tells us the root cause of a problem, then doews nothing to tell us how to solve it short of the simplistic remark to 'stop buying Arab oil' which of course is impossible at this time & for at least 10-20 years.

I completely agree that oil money is funding the hostile elements.

Doug M
New Re: We brought this on ourselves
The Wall Street Journal had an article yesterday which pinned Franklin Roosevelt as the fellow who made the original deal with the House of Saud (ack!) near the end of WWII. The deal was we'd support their claim to political power and they'd supply us with oil at reasonable prices. The article implies we made the House of Saud in effect. We import 1/6th of our oil from them.

I do not recall reading about any Muslim extremism during WWII. It seems likely that the Saudi royal family, being more or less bounders, became more extreme in their use of religion because the religion was the only institution around which opposition to their regime could form. The more the opposition in religious circles grew, the more "religious" the bounders became.

Maybe we should push that house over and simply allow the people to decide for themselves what they want. Initially, they'd all vote themselves a religious Nazi government. But that would have to wear thin and eventually we'd get a more stable, moderate government. Whomever took it over certainly has a lot of oil to protect. And a lot of assets that could dematerialize if they ever decided to declare war on the U.S.
Gerard Allwein
New Probably decent strategy, were it possible to employ
but we have to consider our temperament, impatience and general desire for instant solutions - that, "Doc I ain't got time to eat right and stuff: give me a magic pill").

Strategic we aren't. (unless.. today - we have become?) Tactical is what we are. Could we muster the moxie to keep quiet (not internationally talk it to death) while such a successor umm religious-Nazi regime did its predictable conditioning? I seriously doubt that.

The Swiss have a "500 year plan" re their infrastructure and general directions in many areas. We are lucky to plan much beyond a bizness-quarter generally, some things for a year -- and little beyond an administration in DC.

Simply observe the Wall Street hegemony over every aspect of Murican life -- and especially *this* IT industry! It is the PHB mentality which loves the 'convenience' of "a single source for ALL our needs" and buries collective heads in sand, re the collateral cost of this guaranteed monopoly-creation machine. Ditto - the now rampant consolidation of HMO- Press- Auto- *Prison -Aircraft- and other corps into progressively larger and fewer ones.

* Kurt V. called That one - hilariously (Japanese corp runs all our prisons, in the novel.. :-)

That mindset which purports to "maintain flexibility" via the 90-day standard period, appears to have its counterpart politically. A short attention span is.. a short attention span. I don't believe "national proclivities" alter much except after.. *Giant* shocks. Was this one large enough ??

New Re: Probably decent strategy, were it possible to employ
Ashton, you raise several good points. I don't have problems with Wall Street. I rather do have problems with the PHBs generated by the dolts here in the business school. One doesn't need to be a business school graduate to be a PHB, and not all business school graduates are/become PHBs. However, when visiting a local bar with some philosophy students, a group of Smurfs (in proper blue t-shirts, no less, from the Kelley School of Business...now you can tell which University I'm at) showed just how a PHB gets his/her/its formative education (and I use the word "education" so loosely it falls off any one of them onto the floor before they leave).

Wall Street, whatever your illusions, provides something no other institution can provide...liquidity. If you think this is a small point, read P.J. O'Rourke's "Eat the Rich". Excellent economics book.

If you listen closely to what the Bush Admin. is saying, they are saying the exact opposite of what you believe about the American public. They are saying this is going to be a slow, long, susceptible to setbacks, struggle that will define our times. Now, what part of that is paying lip service to "get it solved quick so I can make it to the next football game."?

And this Last One was not large enough. I write as M$NBC is reporting administration officials saying this isn't the last one, and it ain't even the biggest one we can expect. I concur, this is not the last, it won't be the biggest, but the next one is going to ram home a nail through every goddamn PHB's head that this will require every last bit of effort out each and everyone one of them and us.
Gerard Allwein
     We brought this on ourselves - (marlowe) - (5)
         Excellent article - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
             Re: Excellent article - in one sense - (dmarker2)
         Re: We brought this on ourselves - (gtall) - (2)
             Probably decent strategy, were it possible to employ - (Ashton) - (1)
                 Re: Probably decent strategy, were it possible to employ - (gtall)

We're not going to play any mature games, are we?
73 ms