You have my support
I agree with you and you have my support.
You also have my admiration for willingly
throwing yourself on your sword for the
benefit of those who need to get a tonic
by showing how "liberated" they are compared
to the rest of the world.
The irony is that those who would say "you're
an ass for not liking this" are falling into
the EXACT trap which so many PHBs fall into.
("Liberated ....... the freedom to slag someone
else off for their belief system.")
I suspect that your detractors don't know (or remember)
what it is to work for a great company which is
essentially healthy.
To the rest of you:
My position....... go with what works. If you think you
can run a functional and profitable business by giving away
"customers are morons" coffee cups. Have at it!
Then you can write a book describing what you learned from your
experience, get a few thousand copies printed and not sell any of them....
because..... well it sucks to succeed right? And not selling a single
copy would be even funnier. Oh how they all laughed as they
cleaned out their drawers.
"Your vote is meaningless and worth nothing" (for the voting booth)
"Don't bother to breathe if you don't get any visitors" (for the hospital ward)
Piece de resistance:
"This cheesy poster is the best I can do to feel that I'm making
a difference in the world" (for the workplace and your living room).
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.
Andre Gide (1869 - 1951)

Edited by
Sept. 17, 2003, 09:58:27 AM EDT
You have my support
I agree with you and you have my support.
You also have my admiration for willingly
throwing yourself on your sword for the
benefit of those who need to get a tonic
by showing how "liberated" they are compared
to the rest of the world.
The irony is that those who would say "you're
an ass for not liking this" are falling into
the EXACT trap which so many PHBs fall into.
("Liberated ....... the freedom to slag someone
else off for their belief system.")
I suspect that your detractors don't know (or remember)
what it is to work for a great company which is
essentially healthy.
To the rest of you:
My position....... go with what works. If you think you
can run a functional and profitable business by giving away
"customers are morons" coffee cups. Have at it!
Then you can write a book describing what you learned from your
experience, get a few thousand copies printed and not sell any of them....
because..... well it sucks to succeed right? And not selling a single
copy would be even funnier. Oh how they all laughed as they
cleaned out their drawers.
"Your vote is meanigless and worth nothing" (for the voting booth)
"Don't bother to breathe if you don't get any visitors" (for the hospital ward)
Piece de resistance:
"This cheesy poster is the best I can do to feel that I'm making
a difference in the world" (for the workplace and your living room).
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.
Andre Gide (1869 - 1951)