Right now we have photo copied transparencies...
Heh. We weren't *that* bad off--music director had been using an app called "Astound", which wasn't working well; the slide content basically had to be cut and pasted for each slideshow. I felt it was a silly approach when your content changes slowly, if at all. So Lyrica improves upon that approach by offering:
1. Fast slideshow compilation. Put together a slideshow from existing sources in seconds. More to the point: my director doesn't have to prepare the show at home and bring in a disk every Sunday morning.
2. Portability. You don't need a viewer other than a web browser.
3. Consistency. The old way had a real problem when you fixed a typo in one show and it didn't propagate to other shows.
4. Flexible style. The default I included is pretty basic white-on-black. The nice thing is it's completely configurable (within the boundaries of web page design). If anyone tweaks it, I'd appreciate a copy of the css so I can include it.
5. Minimal markup. You can in a pinch show the slide files on their own, one at a time.
6. Some nice hints. In my default css, for example, choruses are slightly yellow. That's gotten good feedback from the users. The first page gets a different h1 style, so the presenter can tell which slide is the first one when they navigate. In addition, pages with multiple slides get less-than and greater-than arrows at the bottom of the page so the presenter knows there are multiple slides for the same song/page.
I'm glad you got me started on that list :) Maybe I'll put it on the website.
1. I might make a tool for marking up the song files themselves.
2. It's a shame it's IE only. You can show them in Moz 1.4 if you make a slight change in the addpage() function (basically, don't remove file:///), but then you have to make slideshows by hand. I used the DOM as much as possible, but it's not enough. I'll think about it when I have time.
3. Clean things up. Nicer layout on the toolbar frame.
4. Some of the pages have CCLI license numbers on them. I should make a script that does that for me, with its own style.
5. Document it better.