...don't know if you keep up with such things but I did run across your name and a pointer to your website in a footnote on page 871 of the PL/SQL Programming book.
I remember about 1.5 years ago some guy emailed me asking for permission to use my link in the citation section of his book. Perhaps this is the one. I assume it says something like, "For some possible criticism of OOP, see.....". Some university also wanted to cite my site in a published study of theirs, but wanted to know if I also had some published articles with similar content since websites alone were not acceptable to their publishers, they said.
My website is #4 under "OOP" in Google. Companies would pay zillions to be #4. You can attribute its "popularity" to its worthiness as content, or my shear persistence in spamming all the discussion boards :-) Take your pick.