Doubtful message appearing on WinXP startups
For the past 3 weeks I have been getting a message on startup saying
ZAPRO.exe - disk no longer mounted (The only thing I could think of causing it was that I had been using one of my USB external drives & had shut down with it active & removed it when power was off - seemed like a possible expl)
I deinstalled ZApro & re-installed it & the message went away. Then a few days later the following appeared at startup
DccMan:WCESCOMM.EXE -- disk no longer mounted
Is anyone aware of any 'funnies' like this ?
It is only recently that I have used this computer for *rare* email use (I normally use one of my other servers & they all have Netscape 7.1 installed - this computer has MS Exchange & I trust that like I trust Bill Gates)
Doug Marker