Sorry it has taken me so long to get in here and update this!

I went back to Office Max on Sunday, TWICE, actually. First we got a wider notebook, called a Design View Binder, even had a nice pocket on the front to center a title page in. Then we got wider tabs, but when I brought them home, they clashed with my color scheme. mostly the orange ones, and I couldn't do orange type in Word. I can do it in Excel, but not Word.

So, determined and all, we went BACK to Office Max, one half hour before they were about to close, and found tabbed page protectors!!! They had clear tabs so I could use my original color scheme! I designed a cover framing my heading with a number of the programs I'd used, and it looked awesome.

I assembled the basics of it all Sunday night, and showed it to one of my former employers at the college where I attend, (not the one I was fired from), and she loved it! She especially loved the color scheme, which made me glad I stuck to keeping it!

Anyway, I have a few bits and pieces to do, insert sheets for the dividers,labels for the documents, and etc, and a few other final touches, but it's well on its way to being complete!

Thanks for the suggestion! BTW, the copy desk was no help, some high school kid sitting there, looked bored. But, the salesclerk in the store was a great help, found us the dividers and everything, and was more than eager to help out!

So thanks again!

Nightowl >8#