Those things are indestructible!
We had a pair. They were given to us by a friend. After repeated pleas _not_ bring them, she showed up with 2 hamsters, a cage and some supplies. So we took them in, until a better place could be found. In a week, they (both) escaped the cage, jumped 7 feet tall entertainment center and felldon the stairs (another 7 feet). Then the cat got to play with one of them. The things were none the worse for the wear. Obviously, a new place was found in a hurry. We gave them to our boys' school. There they promptly multiplied, so now the score is school: 6 hamster, Belousov family: none. As it should be.
Less Is More. In my book, About Face, I introduce over 50 powerful design axioms. This is one of them.
--Alan Cooper. The Inmates Are Running the Asylum