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New Bus attack in tennessee, do you believe the FBI?
A Greyhound bus was attacked and crashed, the hijacker is dead. The FBI is saying that it is not terrorist related. Do you believe the FBI? If it was do you think they would tell you? How do you think this will affect travel in the US?
New Re: Bus attack in tennessee, do you believe the FBI?

Why do you imagine anyone would say this incident was other than what it was ???

There were too many citizen witnesses - if the FBI wanted to lie about this with so many 'leaky' witnesses, it would be a potential PR disaster.

Are you trying to feed your paranoia or other peoples ???

Get real !!!


New Potential PR disaster?
That hasn't always deterred them before.
New In fact, just recently...
[link|http://ap.tbo.com/ap/florida/MGABTQ7JDSC.html|Janet Reno made the news again].
New Yay
Not that I'm in favor of lawsuits, but Ms. Reno needs a bit of beechslapping.
Who knows how empty the sky is
In the place of a fallen tower.
Who knows how quiet it is in the home
Where a son has not returned.

-- Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966)
New Probable copycat attack
News of cutting throats on the aircraft has been all over the place, this guy probably got it in his head and took it from there. I think this was an isolated case of a maniac doing his best to imitate that which he didn't have a clue about doing.
Who knows how empty the sky is
In the place of a fallen tower.
Who knows how quiet it is in the home
Where a son has not returned.

-- Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966)
New For some reason...
...[link|http://us.imdb.com/Title?0074205|The Big Bus] comes to mind. A parody on a bus of the real thing on a plane
Jay O'Connor

"Going places unmapped
to do things unplanned
to people unsuspecting"
New And a bus bomb threat in SC
[link|http://greenvilleonline.com/news/2001/10/03/2001100313084.htm|More scary stuff].

I haven't seen this much terror and brutality connected with buses since Judge Garrity entertained his delusion that he could order two entire cultural mindsets to cease operations forthwith.

Come to think of it, I'm advocating the same treatment for a large segment of Islamic culture. Quite possibly the mainstream. Garrity did have a perfectly valid point. He just vastly underestimated what it would take to get the job done, and failed to go about in a way that had a chance of actually succeeding. As Dubya would put it, he "Hit a camel in the butt."
New On second thought...
this really isn't exactly like the busing crisis. The slumdwellers of Boston were a threat to themselves and to each other, but they weren't much of a problem to anyone else until they started moving to the suburbs. And they only did that en masse *after* the busing started. By contrast, the terrorists are a direct threat to us.

It would have been better to treat the Boston situation as one of quarantine. Contain the nutcases in their beloved slums and let them self destruct. Take the kids away for adoption, both for humanitarian reasons and to forestall meme propagation. And if any individual shows signs of intelligence and sanity, airlift him out while he's still salvageable. But the rest deserve what they do to themselves. Live and let die.

Now this won't work in the Middle East for two reasons: oil and Israel. Western civilization has a vested interest in controlling the territory for these reasons. Ultimately, we've got to become independent of foreign oil, so we won't have to do business with these bastards anymore. As for Israel, no palatable answer comes to mind.

New Jawohl mein F\ufffdehrer
Ze Digital Millennium Ethnic Correction Act shall prosper.

Soon ve shall haf fixed all ze problems of unMurican Thought in die Welt, Herr Direktor. First ve put zem in ze er compounds.. und zen ve -

I can hardly wait..
New Okay. Here's another idea.
You take them in. You seem like a responsible, caring fellow. Got a spare bedroom? Set up about twenty thousand cots.

Be advised: they're not all housebroken. And some of them like to play with matches. And they all enjoy punching holes in sheetrock. And they'll turn on you if you're not sufficiently firm with them, or if you're overly harsh with them, or anything in between. Make sure you keep sharp objects away from them. They're easy to feed, though. Just buy lots of potatoes and beer.

New Not 'them' that worries:_____________ it's 'us'.
New Us is not the problem.
Us is not the sort of people for whom the term "unemployable" was coined.

Us is not the sort to get stinking drunk, smash things, and throw rocks and bottles at both Us and non-Us. Us is not the sort to stab random strangers for no particular reason.

Us pays taxes to make possible welfare programs and rehab centers. And prisons. Us is not the consumer of these services. Them is the consumer of these services. Some of Us would like to pay less tax for such things. Some of Us would very much like to see Them get Their friggin' act together. And by the way, since "Us" is defined the fact that Us has its act together, this would be equivalent to Them being transformed into Us.

But few of Us have the steel to do what it would take to make Them get Their act together. And no, asking nicely won't do it. Offering a leg up won't do it. Even moderate physical force won't do it. These things have all been tried, without much positive result.

But if you honestly prefer the company of Them to the company of Us, that's your business. Just be damn sure that's what you want. And be careful. Them is not likely to appreciate your company. You see, Them doesn't take kindly to strangers invading Them's turf. Especially not condescendingly tolerant and openminded ones. Them hates being tolerated. Don't ask why. Questions of motive are meaningless here. Them-ites are not rational beings.

And the situation with Muslim haters of the West is similar in general outline. But more dangerous, as Them2 is smarter than Them.

New Re: Any livestock farmer can tell you the answer :-)

Breeding. Animal husbandry. A practiced art in their industry - but we humans have adopted an approach that says no-one should or is allowed to interfere with random & defective human breeding either to improve bloodlines or quality or to eliminate obviously defective lines.

We prefer to let sub-human species propagate (often faster than those who aren't sub-human). We legally allow rampant breeding of genetically defective human stock - humans with genetic predispositions toward psychopathic behaviour, abberations in thinking, medical disorders, etc:

But, despite it all - I have no answer nor even the inkling of how we humans could improve our own bloodlines & stock quality. But, most of the livestock farmers I know have no doubts about how it could & should be done.


Doug M
New you know both of them in Hong Kong? :)
What is a user? You mean userid isnt the same as uid?, gid? whats that? I dont understand "ask the requestor to send a non formal email request for ftp access? whaddya mean dean?
Halp Iam drowning in Bovine Fecal Matter!!!!
New Re: Certainly not chicken breeders :-) ...

Nahhh - one line in my family breed dairy cattle in NZ, another line run sheep in NZ. Thus did some early growing up in a dairy cattle environment.

Cheers D
New Erm, careful there.
You're thinking of everything in terms of genetics. We're more than just self-replicating DNA.

There's also upbringing. In fact, that's precisly what I'm trying to address. I'm not denying that some segments of the BI are, well,lacking in genetic diversity, due to family trees that are more like lattices than tree structures. But that's not the root of the problem. Certain people are actually brought up to be stupid and/or evil. They're not born that way. They're made that way. That's the problem. And in the case of the terrorists, it's a problem that threatens our own safety.

In the case of the BI, we might be able to afford them a measure of tolerance. Even if it kills them. Tolerance is just a word for not dealing with things. But that's not an option with suicide bombers and the memes that spawn them. To tolerate attempts to kill you is never a good policy.

New Nurture VS nature..
Agreed on that one. YAN reminder about South Pacific - a highly popular musical of yesteryear, which included the song, You have to be carefully taught [to hate].

To obtain a license to do a local production: you HAD to include this song, or not be allowed to perform the play. Possibly one of the few times where an 'artist' possesses power to assure a *complete* performance.. or none.

I also believe the artist correct: children only ever learn to hate via parent-conditioning and (school?) environment adjuncts. Most religions help a lot, of course - especially the dustier often unread parts.

No one knows how to break That chain, alas - the cure is as bad as the disease: homogenization and State control. :[

(Yeah, it was hoped that 'education' might.. But close personal example trumps every time)

New Re: Nurture VS nature..

Yup agree with you both.

A well 'bred' child can learn to be excellent at exercising prejudice & hate. Might even do it better than a genetically inferior human.

The waffle in my earlier post was an aside taking a poke at how we humans know the importance of good blood lines except when it comes to humans :-)


New I dont think Ashton wants to take care of my kids
What is a user? You mean userid isnt the same as uid?, gid? whats that? I dont understand "ask the requestor to send a non formal email request for ftp access? whaddya mean dean?
Halp Iam drowning in Bovine Fecal Matter!!!!
New Re: Aha - who really wants to take care of anyone's kids

One of the great leaps forward in a person's awareness is the day he/she realises that the producing and raising children is nature's dirtiest trick foisted on unsuspecting humans.

Now having reached that realisation, I admit to still being dumb enough to fall for the trap again if the situation were to arise.


Doug Marker
(this awareness seems to hit most when a person watches their own children bringing up (drag-up, stumble-up, fumble-up, fu**-up etc: etc:) their children :-)

     Bus attack in tennessee, do you believe the FBI? - (bluke) - (20)
         Re: Bus attack in tennessee, do you believe the FBI? - (dmarker2) - (3)
             Potential PR disaster? - (marlowe) - (2)
                 In fact, just recently... - (marlowe) - (1)
                     Yay - (wharris2)
         Probable copycat attack - (wharris2) - (1)
             For some reason... - (Fearless Freep)
         And a bus bomb threat in SC - (marlowe) - (13)
             On second thought... - (marlowe) - (12)
                 Jawohl mein F\ufffdehrer - (Ashton) - (11)
                     Okay. Here's another idea. - (marlowe) - (10)
                         Not 'them' that worries:_____________ it's 'us'. -NT - (Ashton) - (7)
                             Us is not the problem. - (marlowe) - (6)
                                 Re: Any livestock farmer can tell you the answer :-) - (dmarker2) - (5)
                                     you know both of them in Hong Kong? :) -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                                         Re: Certainly not chicken breeders :-) ... - (dmarker2)
                                     Erm, careful there. - (marlowe) - (2)
                                         Nurture VS nature.. - (Ashton) - (1)
                                             Re: Nurture VS nature.. - (dmarker2)
                         I dont think Ashton wants to take care of my kids -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                             Re: Aha - who really wants to take care of anyone's kids - (dmarker2)

They're going to sue you.
215 ms