I looked at the latest Business 2.0 at the grocery store tonight and their "cover" article was that a bunch of Baby Boomers will be retiring in the next 10 years, and that we'll be back in a huge labor shortage in 10 years.
I had just a few problems with the article:
1. Many Baby Boomers cannot afford to retire. Their debt laden/consumptive lifestyles will prevent them from retiring before age 75. The boomer bubble is 45-55 years old.
2. The article ignored job exportation. Many international companies are avoiding employing retiring baby boomers by moving jobs to countries with better "demographics", like India.
3. 7 of the top 10 jobs were technology related. I disagree with this assessment, as I feel that the medical requirements of the baby boomer generation will require lots more medical professionals. Also, I think trades will make a big comeback, as retiring baby boomers will be less able to afford new cars/homes, etc. They will need to repair existing cars/home/etc.
Glen Austin