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New Rumsfeld on a role for the United Nations in Iraq
[link|http://customwire.ap.org/dynamic/stories/R/RUMSFELD?SITE=DCTMS&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT|So long as they don't get in the way]

Rumsfeld again rejected the idea of a U.N. military or peacekeeping command in Iraq. "That's not in the cards," he said.

But the defense secretary said countries that provide troops and money in Iraq would have a voice in the administration of both civil and military operations.

"To the extent countries step up with troops and support and money, they have a seat at the table," Rumsfeld said. "They have the opportunity to work with us and the Iraqis."

I say:

Give the UN a bone and they'll show their gratitude by peeing on the rug. Just don't let them in the house at all. Simpler that way.
Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Agreed! - embrace that Tar-Baby with Both Hands.___Hug It!
     Rumsfeld on a role for the United Nations in Iraq - (marlowe) - (1)
         Agreed! - embrace that Tar-Baby with Both Hands.___Hug It! -NT - (Ashton)

The early Romans had more gods than I have had watery stools.
39 ms