psych war 101
1. Have the head cleric of the Shite Muslims declare a fatwa on individuals ala Rushdie, do the same with the Sunni clerics at Mecca. Have the same by the Mufti of Jerusalem. Dont forget the Indo-malasian clerics instruct at sermons that the one who completes the fatwa is immediately guarrantied a spot with lotsa sloe eyed beauties.
2. If they are unwilling to do step 1 Remove all American forces from the Gulf, Med, and leave Kuwait and Saudi. Lift all embargos with Iraq, Iran but forbid buying/selling anything from the region except FOB US Ports. (quietly influence defective weapons sales and other sabotagic acts)Tell the Israeli's we need a flat spot in the Negev and it will be American Soil in exchange for future Support. Have lots of planes going in with absolute secrecy and build (oops that is secret)Explain to all that we are turning our backs because the region has nothing we need except oil. We will buy it FOB American soil. Start using and drilling for our own. We will gladly help out with feeding refugees but host countries must pick it up here or in europe. We regretfully state since the area has no respect for American civilian lives we must leave. Extract every American person and organisation smile when we leave. The regular folks will think they have won a great victory until they will assume we are clearing the area for massive attacks with no regard for life except our own.
3. Use the same tactics used by the Mountain Men. Ever wonder how they got along? They became an Indian better than the Indians. We will offer suitable awards for scalp and bounty hunters and offer to outfit them just the same way we did during the western expansion. American born people taking the Pashtun identity, habits, language and attitudes to make an enormous profit, scalps instead of beaver. DNA testing to make sure it is male and over 21, bring the identifiable heads in for the big cash. Delivered to our territory of course. Capitalism at its best. Groups of hunter killer teams moving thru the area's where the terrorists are killing and coming home to get paid, laid and bored with normalcy. We need to create an American form of the taliban, hezbulla et al, shrug our shoulders and say not our problem, outside US territory.
4. Use Israel the Same way we used St. Louis during the fur trade. That will ironically help the Palestinian people as well because most "safe" western trade to the middle east and elsewhere would be done there and the Israelis dont have enough human resources to do it by themselves.
5. Randomly and quietly dissapear entire small cities in all the countries except Israel, Palestine and Jordan. Shrug our shoulders and say it must be outlaws, pirates and other bad people. Ask them to clean up after themselves, offer food and decontamination suits.
5. After 20 years take a look and see if they want to have an open free relations with us as I guarranty the natl geographic maps of today will look extremely different.