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New Calling Doctor Kill Patient, Calling Doctor Kill Patient...

Calling Doctor Bill Patient, Calling Doctor Bill Patient...

Having become the deb-helper lately...

I hereby decalre your vncserver using KDE only problem to *BE GONE*:

Here is the fix.

                                                                                                                              \ngreg@duke:~$ cat .xsession\n\n#!/bin/sh\n                                                                                                                              \nrm -f /tmp/Xrootenv.0\nrm -f /tmp/fvwmrc*\n                                                                                                                              \nif [ -f $HOME/.xinitrc ]; then\n        env > /tmp/Xrootenv.0\n        /bin/sh $HOME/.xinitrc\n        exit\nfi\n                                                                                                                              \nif [ -f $HOME/.fvwm2rc.m4 ]; then\n        RCFILE=$HOME/.fvwm2rc.m4\nelse\n        RCFILE=/etc/X11/TheNextLevel/.fvwm2rc.m4\nfi\n                                                                                                                              \nif [ ! -z $(type -path fvwm95-2) ]; then\n        env > /tmp/Xrootenv.0\n        exec fvwm95-2 -f "FvwmM4 -debug $RCFILE" -display :0 \\\n                > $HOME/.FVWM95-errors 2>&1\nfi\n                                                                                                                              \nif [ ! -z $(type -path fvwm2) ]; then\n        env > /tmp/Xrootenv.0\n        exec fvwm2 -f "FvwmM4 -debug $RCFILE" -display :0 \\\n                > $HOME/.FVWM2-errors 2>&1\nfi\n                                                                                                                              \nif [ ! -z $(type -path fvwm) ]; then\n        exec fvwm\nfi\n                                                                                                                              \n# last resort\n                                                                                                                              \nxterm &\nexec twm\n\n\n\ngreg@duke:~$cat .xinitrc\n\n\n#!/bin/sh\n#\n# xinitrc file for XFce 3/4 startxfce script\n                                                                                                                              \n# Some distro needs to allow even localhost to use the display\n# Uncomment this if you experience "Can't open display" when running\n# programs from xfce. BEWARE this is considered as a vulnerability !\n#\n# xhost +$HOSTNAME\n#\nxsetroot -solid black -cursor_name watch\n                                                                                                                              \n# Unselect the following line to get a BIG mouse cursor in Xfce :\n# xset +fp "/usr/share/xfce/cursors"\n                                                                                                                              \n# Set up additionnal fonts that ship with Xfce (Change id38121117)\nxset fp+ "/usr/share/xfce/fonts"\n \n# Start-up stuff from ~/Desktop/Autostart directory, if it exists\n# (as it seems to be the new standard)\nif [ -d "$HOME/Desktop/Autostart" ]; then\n  for i in `ls -1 ${HOME}/Desktop/Autostart/ 2>/dev/null`; do\n    if [ -x $HOME/Desktop/Autostart/$i ]; then\n      $HOME/Desktop/Autostart/$i &\n    fi\n  done\nfi\n \n# Uncomment this if you have xmodmap loading additional keycodes.\n# set the XKEYS variable to the correct file\n \n# XKEYS=/etc/X11/xinit/.Xmodmap\n# if [ -f $XKEYS ]; then\n#   xmodmap $XKEYS\n# fi\n \n# Uncomment this if you run gkrellm. See [link|http://www.gkrellm.net|http://www.gkrellm.net] for\n# more info. It will launch gkrellm if it's not already running\n# if [ -z $(grep gkrellm ${HOME}/.xfce/xfwm-session) ]; then\n#       exec `which gkrellm` &\n# fi\n \n# Launch xscreensaver (if available)\n# xscreensaver -no-splash &\n# previous commented out for vnc use\n \n# Finally, launch XFce window manager\nexec xfwm\nxsetroot -solid black\n\n\ngreg@duke:~$

That will do it for you. Nothing like back to basics.
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry|REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwethey

[insert snazzy .xsession and .xinitrc here]
New Damned pager...I was on the golf course ;-)
I'll give that a try at the earliest possible convenience and will inform of the outcome.

If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

     Calling Doctor Kill Patient, Calling Doctor Kill Patient... - (folkert) - (1)
         Damned pager...I was on the golf course ;-) - (bepatient)

I was pretty stoked the day I learned how to properly pronounce "Worcestershire," because I don't have a lot going for me.
32 ms