If it where not for the people trying to promote Smalltalk, I think the language would be far more popular. Outside of religious circles I have never dealt with people that where more infatuated with the "obvious" correctness of their own posistion then Smalltalkers.

Every single webpage dedicated to Smalltalk gives over a substantial portion of it's space to explaining why Smalltalk is better then other languages. And in many cases they immediately negate their own points.

Some of the better examples include a claim the language is simple, followed by a 15 paragraph explanation of the different types of copies and when to use them. I also found one that claimed Smalltalk had simple english like syntax, followed by something like (someObject new) add: twiddle; move: twaddle; with: [|achunk| achunk cheeseType: Gorgonzola;]; onYourself.. And the one that claimed Smalltalk is intuitive and then explained why 2 == 2 is true, but (2 + 2) == (2 + 2) is false and 2.5 == 2.5 depends on the implementation, was amusing. And there are any number of pages that will claim that Smalltalk's inability to do basic math operator precedence correctly is OK, because, er, well, IT JUST IS.

And on a side note, if I ever find the person that thought popup scrollbars where a good idea, I'm going to pop something up them.
