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New Probably. Took years with Germany, for instance.
But it was worth it.

And then there was [link|http://www.defenddemocracy.org/in_the_media/in_the_media_show.htm?doc_id=192026&attrib_id=7378|the Civil War]. No wait, that's an American war so we need to give it a snide, America-blaming name. Make sure we blame the side that went on to become what America is now. How about "the War of Northern Agression?" No doubt that will meet with the Chomskybots' approval.

[link|http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Printable.asp?ID=9651|Extrapolate from history to more recent times]


As the daily headlines make clear, the task is not going to be easy. Historian Douglas Porch, writing in The National Interest, argues that the occupation of Japan and Germany didn't go swimmingly, either. "American occupiers assumed that, once the virus of authoritarian rule had been purged, grateful Japanese and Germans would enthusiastically embrace democracy. Instead, U.S. reformers encountered torpor, resentment and resistance."

The de-Nazification process, now recalled as a stunning success, was perceived at the time as a failure because it created a "community of fate" between the lowest Nazi functionary and the Gestapo. And Konrad Adenauer complained that if he followed U.S. guidelines, only Germans older than 65 or younger than 20 would have qualified for government service.

I say:

Odd how certain people - presumably adults - seem to think that something taking years ought to be a problem. Goodness, if we never undertook anything that would take years, we'd still be in the Stone Age.
Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Agreement - It took years in Japan as well...
and I think it was worth it there as well.

Odd how certain people - presumably adults - seem to think that something taking years ought to be a problem. Goodness, if we never undertook anything that would take years, we'd still be in the Stone Age.

Again, no argument.

All I was attempting to do was in indicate to (presumably) an adult that what he thought may take "mere months" was definitely going to take years.

PS: I won't bite at your "War or Northern Aggression", merely note your lack of support for State's Rights. Any democratic and human rights issues regarding Southerners I'll leave to Southerners to resolve with you.
New I had thought it *might* plausibly take months. Not *would*.
And I was willing from the beginning to see it through to the end.

WITHOUT those lying thieving bastards at the United Nations. If we let them have any decision-making influence, we may [link|http://www.thehollandsentinel.net/stories/062500/new_troops.html|never be finished there].
Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
     Time: Abu Zubaydah talks candidly - (marlowe) - (7)
         Ramming democracy and human rights - will definitely take - (Simon_Jester) - (5)
             Never happen - (Silverlock)
             Probably. Took years with Germany, for instance. - (marlowe) - (2)
                 Agreement - It took years in Japan as well... - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                     I had thought it *might* plausibly take months. Not *would*. - (marlowe)
             Gas prices are already through the roof, thanks to Saudis. - (marlowe)
         And the Iraqi connection is....? - (a6l6e6x)

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131 ms