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New Windowmaker Q
Is there some kind of auto-hiding taskbar for this?

I love wmaker but remain ignorant of its capabilities. Lazy I am.
New Sort of.
Middle click to bring up the window menu, then click on it's title bar so it stays open. Now move it over to the right side of the screen under the dock. WindowMaker will dynamically change it and resize it, but because it expands to the right, it expands off the screen. :-) So move your mouse over it and it scrolls further onto the screen; move away and it snaps back (there's a WindowMaker option you need set to make it scroll, but it's a default so you should be right).

I only figured this out a few weeks ago, but it's quite handy. Have you spent anytime in the configuration program? There is a wealth of options for it.


Is it enough to love
Is it enough to breathe
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary

-- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne.

New Likw an Afterstep "drawer"? Not really, but....

There's no tile app that pops out more tiles.


You can pile stuff onto both the dock (permanent vertical tile bar, usually on right of screen) and dock (per-workspace settings, usually top left of screen).


The clip can be set to "autoraise" or "autocollapse". Clicking or double-clicking on the clip will raise/expand it. You can also create "omnipresent" icons which appear on all workspaces (otherwise they just appear on the current workspace), and specify an icon be "kept" (otherwise it is deleted when the app is closed). I'd also recommend "autoattract icons". All of these settings are on a desktop-by-desktop basis.


You've also got workspace menus. The apps menu can be torn off at an arbitrary nesting depth. If you drag it to the bottom of the screen, it will pop up when you mouse over it, which may be handy.


There are also some launcher apps which handle multiple apps. I don't use them, but see the Windowmaker [link|http://www.bensinclair.com/dockapp/|DockApp Warehouse] for examples.

Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]\r\n
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     Windowmaker Q - (deSitter) - (2)
         Sort of. - (static)
         Likw an Afterstep "drawer"? Not really, but.... - (kmself)

Too hard to follow.
45 ms