Had Ken Beck, with other XP gurus, involved. I found that pretty interesting.
The failure of the C3 project cannot be isolated to any single problem, but the biggest factors were political infighting and organizational issues rather than any problem with the code. The according to Jeffries the project was delivering, was solid and was meeting goals. (unlike the statements in the referenced paper).
Some of the things that effected its cancellation was that the dept that stated the project (R&D IIRC) was was trying to pass C3 to another dept (Payroll I believe), which didn't want to pay for it. There was also some question at the time about merging Chryslers and Daimlers payroll operations, so there was additional uncertainty about continuing a project that didn't have a future. I recall there are extensive writeups about the C3 project at the C2 wiki (what's up with all the Cn names?). Check it out, but beware, there is a lot of speculation from parties not directly involved.
C3 continued to pay a significant number of employees for years after it was "cancelled". Additionally, Chrysler continues to use XP in some of its projects (again in contrast to statements in the referenced paper).