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New Unintended consequences
This was forwarded to me by a client. [link|http://newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/08/25/1117203|NewsForge]
If you keep up with technology news at all, you know all about SCO's fight with IBM, and now, with the Open Source community that developed Linux. But what you may not see is the forest through the trees. There are some fundemental things going on in this turf war that the big boys are missing, and if you look at the headlines over the past 6 months, or even the past year, you'll see them loud and clear.

Microsoft has been in the news just as much as the SCO/IBM/Linux battle, and Microsoft has indeed funded SCO to prolong its IBM/Linux fight. But if you step back for a moment, you'll notice that the content of all the Microsoft headlines is due to their software being pathetically poor (according to the press). News about Microsoft security patches here, there and everywhere. Worms, viruses, more worms. News about how even in the face of 4 new operating systems in the past 3 years , Microsoft is unable to fix bugs that date back to the very first release of Windows 95. How out of control do you have to be for that to happen?

Happy reading!
New Also..
..the days of fun for the techno-tinkerer are over. Windows was fun for some because it was stupid and simple enough to break and fix. Now it's just an incomprehesible mess to Joe C. - and I don't think the XP "Clown" theme helps much. Too childish.
     Unintended consequences - (jbrabeck) - (1)
         Also.. - (deSitter)

There are some who call me... LRPD.
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