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New Fox: Bustamante supports violent racist group
[link|http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,95871,00.html|Yep, he's a Left coaster]


MEChA has used violence in the past to make its case. At a July 4 celebration in 1996, members of the group, who call themselves Mechistas, were videotaped attacking black and white Americans protesting illegal immigration. In 1993, students at UCLA caused $500,000 worth of damage during protests to demand a Chicano studies department. MEChA has also been associated with anti-Semitic groups like Nation of Aztlan.

MEChA's motto is "for the race, everything. For those outside the race, nothing." Critics say affiliation with that kind of group could spell political ruin for a white candidate and are upset that little attention has been paid to Bustamante's relationship with the group. He belonged to MEChA while attending Fresno State University in the 1970s...

According to the organization's constitution, "Chicanas and Chicanos must ... politicize our Raza [race] ... and struggle for the self-determination of the Chicano people for the purpose of liberating Aztlan." ...

"What is a moderate member of a racist organization? 'I was a moderate member of the Klan.' Imagine if a Republican made that statement," Elder said...

Though he defines his "racial ethnic agenda" as one that provides good schools, good jobs and safe neighborhoods, Bustamante has been questioned before about racism. In 2001, he had to apologize profusely to state African-American leaders after mistakenly referring to a black union using the N-word. Bustamante called it a slip of the tongue, but audience members attending the Black History celebration were stunned at the reference, for which he did not apologize until the end of his 10-minute speech.

I say:

Racism is properly defined as discrimination on the basis of race.

Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Chuckle...I love watching the right spin...
I wonder if this would've even come out if ol' Arnold hadn't joined the race.

Racist or otherwise, critics say Bustamante's membership in MEChA is certainly more relevant than Arnold Schwarzenegger's father being a Nazi. Schwarzenegger uncovered that truth when he initiated his own search in 1990 of his father's past with the help of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
(same article)

Certainly it's more relevant that Arnold's father being a Nazi. Now, I'm not sure if it's more relevant than the issues that Arnold's supported, however. (Or the drugs Arnold has taken. Or the orgies he's been in. or...)

In any case, the idiot (Bustamante) is a fruitcake. But that's just my opinion.
New Ah, but those were the "crazy times"
...also known as the Dumb Decade, and Those Damn Fucking Seventies.

Not all that great an excuse, but we've heard worse ones. At least he didn't trot out "I didn't inhale" let alone "I did not have sex with that woman."

Well, he's a Californian all right. No matter where he was born. At least he's better than Gray Davis or anyone associated with that crook. Not that that's saying much. A head of lettuce would make a better governor than that.
Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Ah a familiar dandy, in aspic.
Being not even a zygote in the colorful "70s", you'll adsorb the lugubrious hearsay of your fav polemicists - as Truth. And if you think That decade was one of Dumbth, you haven't even peeped This One ('cept from that Nintendo joystick, of course.) Love. It.

Knowing nothing of the history of CA politics either (let alone world) - and even less about whatever has been Davis' overall agenda - ditto; go with the ez cant - Hey! he ain't personable. That'll do.

Worked for my Gramma.. but there was no web then.

You're more fun than a barrel o'Rushs, kinda like a crossword for kids is, and.. there's the nostalgia thing too.

Here's another snortle for the Churl,

So then, Iago -
what do You think of her?
New For the record, I was there, sober, while you were stoned.
But it's too late now to repair the damage you did to your brain cells.

Hey, wanna carp about Dubya's mangled syntax some more? Or whatever it was you were saying.
Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Is it even an excuse?
As you pointed out, it was the 70's for everyone, not just Arnold.

Even so, aren't you and others* on the Right giving him a free pass for his past drug use and orgies? Hasn't the Right in the past asked "What kind of message does this send to our kids? It's okay to take Steroids and use Pot and it'll be okay because in 20 years you'll be a big movie star and there'll be this democratic version of Bob Dole as California's Governor?"

* Like I said, I love the Right's hypocrisy. To paraphrase Sean Hannity: There ought to be a statute of limitation for stuff that Politicans have done in their past.

I guess that only applies to Politicans on the Right. It's about Character, honest.

PS: I could point out how sad it is that those heathens on the Left are the ones who are having to point out the immorality and character flaws of Politicans. Says a lot about the moral rightousness of the Right.
New Dude, *I* was sober.
Speak for yourself.

So, Arnold's on the right now? [link|http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A27397-2003Aug21?language=printer|You sure?]

Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New So you're saying it's NOT an excuse?
but you said it was an excuse -

...also known as the Dumb Decade, and Those Damn Fucking Seventies. Not all that great an excuse, but we've heard worse ones.

You sure you're sober now? Short-term memory loss is one of the first signs...

As for which side Arnold's on...all I can say is that's he's DEFINITELY not on the left. :-)

PS:Hmm..doesn't that make your case even worse? You are, in effect, claiming that it's not a case of only attacking the left on Morality issues and ignoring the right. You're arguing that you ignore EVERYONE but the left on Morality issues. Interesting.

New er.. {cackle?} Uh huh uh huh.. huh..
     Fox: Bustamante supports violent racist group - (marlowe) - (8)
         Chuckle...I love watching the right spin... - (Simon_Jester) - (7)
             Ah, but those were the "crazy times" - (marlowe) - (6)
                 Ah a familiar dandy, in aspic. - (Ashton) - (1)
                     For the record, I was there, sober, while you were stoned. - (marlowe)
                 Is it even an excuse? - (Simon_Jester) - (3)
                     Dude, *I* was sober. - (marlowe) - (2)
                         So you're saying it's NOT an excuse? - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                             er.. {cackle?} Uh huh uh huh.. huh.. -NT - (Ashton)

That tastes like Crab Juice!
187 ms