Sorry you had another bad night.
Can I ask a few questions?
For example, are you waking up in the middle of the night with pain or feeling like you can't breathe? Sorta like gasping for air?
Do you know how to deep breathe? (Don't think I'm being silly, it took me years to learn it).
Do you have other specific symptoms of a "bad night" i.e. night sweats, or tremors or anything you can describe?
Do you have insomnia?
I relate, Ross. I used to wake up in the middle of the night thinking I was dying, my chest would hurt, I'd be gasping for breath, I almost went to the ER once. Then I learned what it was, and how to cope with it, and now it's rare that I wake up like that.
I'm willing to help you out if you can answer the questions. :)
Take care, Ross.
Nightowl >8#