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New Who are the enemies?
[link|http://www.washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20011003-10764529.htm|Tony Blankley is making a list and checking it twice]. And it's a big list. I hope we've got the stomach for the job, because we haven't got a choice.

But it is partly the West's fault, in a way:

"The catastrophe of World War I punctured the myth of a politically and socially superior West. Muslim intellectuals no longer felt inferior. That was the beginning of modern Muslim activist thought."

So Muslim hatred is all the Kaiser's fault. But the Kaiser is the Prussians' fault. And the Prussians were the fault of the Teutonic Knights, who were the fault of the Franks...

And wait a minute. Wasn't World War I sparked by... [link|http://www.lib.byu.edu/~rdh/wwi/1914/ferddead.html|a Bosnian terrorist]?

Reminds me of the Joker from Batman: "I say you made me, you say I killed your parents. I blame you, you blame me. It's all so childish. Say, you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, wouldya?"

I would never hit a guy with glasses. I'd hit him with my fist.

New You know, I think I've figured out where you misunderstand..

You think I'm all about pointing a sanctimonious finger at the U.S., and saying "Bend over and take it, because BOY did you have it coming."


I'm saying "While we're dealing with this, let's look at what WE could have done differently last time to keep this shit from happening again, re: Germany and WW1 and WW2. And while we're at it, let's stop doing shit to people in the name of profits, okay?
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
New A worthy aim..
And unarguably good for the soul, even for those who have other names for that tiny stilled voice inside saying, WTF is this shit yer on about Again.. today?.

But not In the American Grain \ufffd methinks, to spend more than cursory attention on self-checks (?) Especially not when in stimulus <> response mode.

I'd especially underscore your in the name of profits succinct summary of a massive mindset - now so familiar as to have disappeared into subconsciousness.

It dawned on me one PM decades ago when, sittin in a chair by a host's swimming pool, reading - I finally heard my name called.

He wanted me to *time* him as he did some laps! This in a bucolic setting, beautiful day for mantras or Manta rays...
Don't *live that moment* - measure it, Compare it. Also never fail to compete.. in units/parsec.

I have no idea what would be required, across the whole sspectrum of 'body types' and mindsets, to demonstrate the internal poverty of our rampant Material-God whose symbol is $$. The concept pervades Everything - and for many bizness droids - that includes, all involuntarily (?) their dreams! and even during [what they believe passes for] sex.

Mere human medical attention: for profit / amalgamation into [indubitably] maybe Three Big Corporations. Prisons for profit. Schools with Forced Ads. *Buying* as the reason for, aim of and best use of - life itself 24/7.

At this stage of disease, where the patient Likes the symptoms, is in denial about the perfect equivalency of Cancer (fav Western disease) and unending-Growth (fav Western prayer) -- is not even *noticed* ? I don't think your wish is possible of granting. 'We' don't even know we're asleep - how could we want to wake up?

Too bad. Maybe some next Larger shock could produce an epiphany? Then we should *welcome* it.

(never mind the theology - nobody gets That right. It appears to have been invented so as to assure the profits of perpetual homo-sap war with homo-sap) Solution: burn *all* of the holybooks without regard for race, color, national origin or cost of the binding. Kristallday! to counter Kristallnacht.

Never mind. Another yuga, perhaps?

New Logic is sound, history less so
His logic is sound, with the exception of the PLO and the Palastinian Authority. The PA is exactly what we need to keep this from becoming a Muslim vs West war.

If we want to keep moderate Muslims on our side, then this is the time to support Palastinian state hood. Put up border posts with UN or US soldiers and use force to keep both sides back from the border.

His history seems a bit shakey to me. On an emotional level I suspect he's got it backwards. Until very shortly before WWI the Ottoman empire was one of the most important in the world, but it had been in decline for a long time. In WWI the Ottoman empire was part of the central powers, but proved to be almost useless in combat. After the war it was divided up the winning side along various political lines that suited Europe.

The point however is that WWI did no so much show the weakness of the West so much as it showed the irrevelency of the middle east. There simply was no longer a major Arab power, and the Arab states where treated poorly by the powers of Europe.

New About the Northern Alliance
[link|http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/279/nation/A_dark_side_to_the_Northern_Alliance+.shtml|They're not very nice people].

We need to be careful with our proxies. If assholes take over from those other assholes, we'll be right back where we started. We need to give them enough aid for them to give the Taliban grief, but not enough to give us grief.

If we balance it just right, maybe they'll wipe each other out.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Heh.. game asymptotically ~ zero. Love. It.
New neither are the BI, where is Dennis Leary when ya need him?
I saw mavis Leno and some shots of the taliban religious police beating a woman for exposing her ankles. First thing to mind, me and mine, do that to my wife, daughter, etc you will die. The Northern Alliance is apparantly not much different. Yet the same tribal setup in Pakistan had Benizar? Bhutto, a woman as an elected leader at one point. There is room for improvement. In fact a killing offence when I was there was "niced tits" where are the male relatives of the women? I think right now Afghanistan is "the place" for marriage impaired males. The Afghan women and families I met would rejoice in the fact that their country could get back to some sane level of bloodletting like the old days, ambushes, small arms, polo with goats etc.
What is a user? You mean userid isnt the same as uid?, gid? whats that? I dont understand "ask the requestor to send a non formal email request for ftp access? whaddya mean dean?
Halp Iam drowning in Bovine Fecal Matter!!!!
New Meet Muhammad Atef
[link|http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/news/pages/sti/2001/10/07/stiusausa02012.html|Mastermind behind the attack]

Good press for Echelon in here.


At the heart of this global manhunt is a new list, drawn up
by the FBI, of 370 suspects and vital witnesses. Obtained by
The Sunday Times, after inadvertently appearing on a
Finnish government website, the list details nationalities,
aliases, phone numbers and e-mail accounts, and paints a
far broader picture of the extent and progress of the
manhunt than has been publicly revealed.

Some entries offer tantalising leads: one Saudi Arabian from
Jeddah who appears on the list used the e-mail address
lastday11@hotmail.com. It is not clear whether the account
was registered before or after September 11.

Those identified originate from 30 countries, with 53
coming from Saudi Arabia, five from Egypt, four from Syria,
four from Lebanon, four from Morocco, four from Kuwait,
three from France, and two from Germany. Some have
British connections. Djamel Beghal was arrested earlier this
year in Dubai and is said to have confessed to taking orders
from Bin Laden to bomb the American embassy in France.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Anti-American riots in Pakistan
[link|http://www.nando.net/world/story/126152p-1329975c.html|Mayhem in support of terrorism].


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (October 8, 2001 9:01 a.m. EDT) - Enraged by Sunday's strikes on Afghanistan, supporters of its Taliban regime burned buildings, battled police and demanded holy war against America on Monday even as Pakistan's president insisted that his support of the U.S.-led coalition reflected the will of the people.

No deaths were immediately reported.

Authorities in the southwestern city of Quetta uncorked tear gas and fired live ammunition into the air to repel 4,000 agitated demonstrators who torched five movie theaters, damaged a bank and burned the police station. Members of the paramilitary border police were dispatched when local security forces began to lose control, and smoke was billowing from the city's main market at midafternoon.

"To all Muslims around the world: Prepare yourselves for jihad," said Maulana Noor Mohammed, the provincial head of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, a religious party. Jihad is the Arabic term for holy war.

In Karachi, Pakistan's largest city, a mob of 400 students set three buses aflame and pelted authorities with stones. At least eight were injured when police charged them with batons and tear gas. In northwestern Peshawar, both tear gas and steel-tipped sticks were used to scatter 2,000 Taliban supporters as they emerged from a mosque and began to protest.

I say:

Just whose buses, banks and movie theatres are these f***wits destroying? They'd soil their own nest to express hatred for us. How much respect do such people deserve?

I've seen three year old children with more sense than this.

Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Well, that's normal
Blacks burned down their own neighborhoods here in LA too. When you're rioting you burn whatever's closest. By time you get organized enough to find and burn your enemy's stuff you might not be in the mood any more.
New Genesis summed it up nicely
Your progressive hypocrites hand our their trash
But it was mine in the first place, so I'll burn it to ash.
- Back in NYC

Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Flag burner accidentally sets himself on fire
[link|http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/breaking/1008Attacks-Pakistan-Protest-ON.html|Oh, the symbolism].


QUETTA, Pakistan - Mobs stormed this city by the Afghan border today, lobbing firebombs while chanting glory to Osama bin Laden and hatred for America. Police shot one man dead in the tear gas-shrouded confusion.

In Peshawar, a pro-Taliban demonstrator was engulfed in fire while protesters burned a U.S. flag during protests against the sirstrikes. The demonstrator was taken to a hospital, and his present condition is unknown. .

From daybreak to late afternoon, in a huge rally downtown and in street-corner clusters, Muslims shouted support for Afghanistan's Taliban leadership. Compared with the scattered and sporadic protests elsewhere in the country, this was the worst sustained unrest to hit Pakistan over Sunday's U.S.-British attacks.

Thousands surged through the streets in running skirmishes with police, setting ablaze the U.N. Children's Fund compound, the central police station, movie theaters, a bank and other buildings in the city of 800,000.

I say:

Some people shouldn't be allowed near matches.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Possible Darwin award nominee?
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Wonder who has the American flag concession over there?
Should be doing quite well right now.
New If Muslims are looking for a sign from Allah
Re: the validity of their Jihad, maybe they should take a close look at this as well as the protestors killed by their own gunfire in the air. If I were religious, I'd see this as a sign that the Jihad is wrong; though some of the fundamentalist Muslims probably see it as a sign that they should be willing to give their lives in further suicide attacks or some such.
     Who are the enemies? - (marlowe) - (14)
         You know, I think I've figured out where you misunderstand.. - (inthane-chan) - (1)
             A worthy aim.. - (Ashton)
         Logic is sound, history less so - (JayMehaffey)
         About the Northern Alliance - (marlowe) - (2)
             Heh.. game asymptotically ~ zero. Love. It. -NT - (Ashton)
             neither are the BI, where is Dennis Leary when ya need him? - (boxley)
         Meet Muhammad Atef - (marlowe)
         Anti-American riots in Pakistan - (marlowe) - (6)
             Well, that's normal - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                 Genesis summed it up nicely - (marlowe)
             Flag burner accidentally sets himself on fire - (marlowe) - (3)
                 Possible Darwin award nominee? -NT - (jb4)
                 Wonder who has the American flag concession over there? - (Andrew Grygus)
                 If Muslims are looking for a sign from Allah - (Steven A S)

Cool, that has vacuum tubes in it.
58 ms