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New Guardian: Andrew "sexed up" Gilligan barred from reporting
[link|http://media.guardian.co.uk/huttoninquiry/story/0,13812,1028630,00.html|Even the BBC finds him an embarrassment]


Andrew Gilligan, the BBC correspondent at the centre of the storm over allegations that the Government 'sexed up' intelligence to make a stronger case for war against Iraq, has been removed from reporting duties.

Gilligan has been told to spend all his time preparing for a possible recall before the Hutton inquiry into the death of Dr David Kelly, the Government scientist unmasked as the source of the radio man's claims that Downing Street tried to hype intelligence material despite opposition from the intelligence services.

BBC executives denied that Gilligan's departure from day-to-day reporting on the Radio 4 Today programme was linked to revelations last week that he sent emails to two MPs on the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee suggesting questions they could ask Kelly that would be 'devastating' for the Government.

Gilligan, the programme's defence correspondent, did not refer to the emails during his own evidence to Hutton two weeks ago, and they were not submitted as part of the BBC's evidence, despite Hutton's demand that all relevant documents should be handed over.

The inquiry has now asked the BBC to account for the omission. The corporation is likely to launch its own internal inquiry once Hutton has completed his report.

I say:

Journalist? Activist? Political consultant? What's in a name?
It's time for the US to infringe on the sovereignty of Liberia!
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Alas, the BBC have become the opposition party.
With an ineffectual and unfocused Conservative party and a government famous for its 'spin' and media control, the BBC has taken upon itself to become the opposition and have deviated from strict impartiality and neutrality. Very naughty. They may pay for this when their mandate is up for renewal but the British public will side with the BBC over the current, Labour government.

In the meantime, the Hutton inquiry is only concerned with the circumstances resulting in the death of Dr Kelly, not journalistic integrity or presentation of intelligence reports. At worst, Andrew Gilligan's may be demoted. Geoff Hoon (Defense Secretary) is being lined up as scapegoat if needed.
Matthew Greet

But we must kill them. We must incinerate them. Pig after pig, cow after cow, village after village, army after army. And they call me an assassin. What do you call it when the assassins accuse the assassin? They lie. They lie and we must be merciful to those who lie.
- Colonol Kurtz, Apocalypse Now.
     Guardian: Andrew "sexed up" Gilligan barred from reporting - (marlowe) - (1)
         Alas, the BBC have become the opposition party. - (warmachine)

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