Ok my XP Pro partition is trashed, my extended partitions have errors and the disk utility that came with the hard drive gets a Drive I/O Timeout error when trying to access the drive.

By reading the Howtos that Karsten pointed me to, cfdisk can handle large hard drives and partition them. I'm hoping that it can delete invalid partitions and recreate them. I made a Red Hat 9.0 boot disk; however, it doesn't have CFDISK on it. I cannot apparently make boot and root disks without first installing Red Hat, and I cannot because the partitions are screwed up. Even "Linux Rescue" wants a Red Hat install to work with. I don't think that Disk Druid will do me any good; however, I could be wrong. I am basing this from the Large Disks Howtos.

What I could do is download the latest Knoppix, and see if it has CFDISK on it. One that can handle large disks over 127 Gigs. Delete the bad partitions and then recreate them and hope it fixes the problem. Wish me luck. Thanks.