gladly ripped off idea couldnt remember who to
attribute to. Dunno, I think that my investigation of berkleys other product when it was legal, my serious study of (all in the interest of acedemia of course) eastern herbal remedies and western pharmaceuticals. Occult studies with the intention of getting strange and ending up deprogramming people stuck in same. Using physical skills against different cultures and countries for profit and National Interest. Interest in mind manipulation, how it works and why, and now peeling apart comms equipment fore fun and profit have come to the conclusion that some people got it Some dont and some people have a hard time distinquishing the difference.
What is a user? You mean userid isnt the same as uid?, gid? whats that? I dont understand "ask the requestor to send a non formal email request for ftp access? whaddya mean dean?
Halp Iam drowning in Bovine Fecal Matter!!!!